eurovision pre party part 18

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"hey, you wanted to talk?" you said, walking closer to martinus. he was standing outside your dressing room, leaning against the wall.

"i did. i'm glad you came." martinus happily answered. the man pulled you into a hug and told you he was happy that you were finally back from finland.

as you pulled away from the hug, you awkwardly smiled at martinus, and adjusted your outfit. his eyes moved up and down your body, observing what you were wearing. you looked up at him, furrowing your brows at his gaze. martinus gave you a timid "sorry" and shyly laughed.

you nodded, still a weird expression on your face, but you chose to ignore his eyes. nobody was around the hallway, which was very surprising to you. did everyone leave already, you thought.

"what did you want to talk about? nemo said it was pretty important." you quietly said.

"oh right! yes i did." martinus smiled at you. though, he didn't start to explain. your eyes moved to his, and you knew the man had got the message. he nodded at you and opened his mouth.

"uh- you know how we've been pretty good friends for a while now, and we are pretty close, right?" you nodded at him, and martinus sweetly smiled.

"well... i was thinking maybe we could try to be something else?" his voice turned quieter with every word; it felt too intense. suddenly his hands took yours and he leaned closer to you.

at that moment, you completely froze. your mind went blank, and no words left your mouth. you wanted to pull your hands away, but they weren't moving. you wanted to run away or shout that this, whatever this was, would never happen, but you couldn't.

is this what it's like to be in shock, you thought.

"will you be my girlfriend?" his tone was sweet and gentle. martinus almost looked worried at your reaction as your mouth hung open, your body completely frozen.

his words hit you like a ton of bricks, and your body suddenly started reacting. you pulled away from his grip and almost fell, if your body hadn't reacted at the right time. he had gotten too close to you before,  and it made you uncomfortable.

"what? no, me and joost are dating! did you not know?!" everything left your mouth quickly as you gathered your composure. martinus furrowed his brows at what you said. he looked completely shocked and confused.

"you are? i thought you two were just close or hooking up." you gasped at what martinus said. suddenly you felt your body boiling, and your hand moved right across his cheek. you pulled back and covered your mouth.

martinus winced and moved his hand to his cheek. before he covered it, you could clearly see where you had slapped him. thankfully, it was completely red, but it definitely hurt. he stepped back and looked over at you.

"fuck, i- i'm sorry." you mumbled. the norwegian nodded at you and pushed his hands into his pockets.

"it's fine. i hope you and joost work out." his gaze fell to the ground, and martinus turned away from you. he started walking away, and you were left completely dumbfounded.

what the fuck just happened?

you had finally made it backstage after running all over the building. people were stopping you at every corner, congratulating you on the performance and asking you how it was. you felt completely overwhelmed, but you knew you couldn't miss joost's rehearsal.

there were a lot of people backstage, more than usual. maybe everyone was here to see joost. you spotted nemo amongst the crew and walked over to them. immediately, they noticed you and waved.

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