eurovision pre party part 13

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tomi quickly knocked on the brown apartment door, shushing you to be quiet with a laugh. you quietly chuckled and joost straightened his posture and adjusted his jacket before he looked down at you.

you let out a small laugh and took out the one of the earphones he had given you for listening to music together. joost took it with a small nod, and he put the earphones into his black tote bag.

the door opened, and käärijä greeted all of you with a big smile. he clapped his hands and brought you into a big hug. the warm embrace lasted for a few seconds before joost and jere shook hands. they laughed and hugged each other as well.

before stepping into the apartment, tomi, ahti and jere greeted one another too. everyone stepped into the apartment, and jere welcomed you and joost to his apartment.

you hadn't been to his new apartment yet. it seemed a lot bigger than his last one. käärijä had some new furniture, and the house overall looked amazing. jere even gave you a small tour of the place.

"i only have one guest room, anteeksi (sorry)." jere said with his thick finnish accent and scratched the back of his neck. you and joost stepped into the bedroom and looked around.

there was a big large bed against the wall, a medium sized storage cupboard on the right side of the bed, and on the left was a small nightstand. the room also had a large wardrobe across from the bed and a few hockey posters around the walls.

"i can take the sofa?" joost looked at jere. he nodded and told him that could work. you looked up at joost and shook your head at him. a heavy feeling of deja vu hits you now.

"what no, take the bed. i'll be fine on the sofa." you said, gesturing towards the bed. joost shook his head quickly, insisting that you sleep on the bed and take the bedroom.

"do you want to share again?" you asked, your voice going quieter with every word. joost looked at you, a bit surprised, but he smiled at you.

"your choice, liefste (dear)." he beamed, a small innocent smirk on his face. you raised your eyebrows at his response, but softly chuckled.

"we'll share the bed, jere." you said to jere with a confident tone. he nods and smiles back at you. there is also a small hit of joy evident on jere's face, but you don't know why.

joost moves his suitcase into the room and jumps onto the bed. he jiggles around on the bed and leans down on it. joost lets out a pleased sigh before he holds up his hands to you and jere.

"help me up, please." joost said in a whiney jokey tone. jere laughs and takes one of his hands, and you grab the other one. you two managed to pull up the tall man, and he let out a laugh.

suddenly, ahti called out jere's name, and he left the room while saying you and joost could unpack. you looked around the room and thought about what to do next. you remember that you wanted to check the time, so you took your phone out of joost's back pocket. you had given it to him before because you didn't have any pockets yourself.

the phone turned on, and the time read half past two. you nodded to yourself and looked up at joost. he had a teasing smile on his face and looked down at your phone. you moved it behind your back, so he couldn't see it anymore.

"can i please have your phone?" joost asked, trying to hide his smile. you looked at him confused, but decided to give him your phone.

"you don't know my password, so what are you going to do?" you asked, joost. he giggled and turned on your phone. his eyes immediately inspected your wallpaper. joost shook his head and let out a fake, disappointed sigh.

"hey why am i not on your wallpaper?" he asked in an unrealistic, sad voice while pouting at you. your wallpaper right now is a picture of you and some of the other contestants on the red carpet. the picture was taken at the pre party in madrid, where joost wasn't.

"not in madrid, not on my wallpaper." you teased, holding your head high. joost put his hands on his hips and leaned on his right leg. the dutchman still had a pout on his face, one of his dimples showing.

you rolled your eyes and walked over to your suitcase. with the zipper open, you started looking for something else to wear. joost walked back over to you and gave you your phone back. he had a big smile on his face, and he was laughing.

you furrowed your brows at him and turned on your phone. unexpectedly, a gasp left your mouth. joost had changed your wallpaper from the red carpet picture to a selfie he had just taken of himself.

"how did you get into my phone?" you asked, looking at joost. he had sat down on the edge of the bed, shooting a smirk your way. he zipped his mouth and turned his head away from you.

"joost, explain!" you whined. he laughed and held his hands in the air. you shook your head at him and playfully hit his shoulder. as you started stepping away from joost, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him. joost's eyes drifted up and down your body.

"mag ik een kusje, mooiste (can i get a kiss, gorgeous)?" joost softly said. he was looking right into your eyes, his pupils more dilated than before. you had no idea what he was saying. some of the words sounded familiar, but your mind seemed to go blank with his intense gaze.

"what does that mean?" you asked, a small smile appearing on your face. joost chuckled and shrugged his shoulders at you.

"answer yes or no. then i will tell you." he said.

"fine, yes?" you said, slightly regretting your answer. joost's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, and he stood up. one of his hands slowly went around your waist, and the other one was placed on your shoulder.

you felt yourself turn red. your eyes quickly glanced towards the bedroom door, checking if it was closed. thankfully, it was. joost whispered your name, and you turned your head back to him.

"you said yes to a kiss." he blushed. you raised your brows, and your mouth opened a little. so that's what he said, you thought.

joost waited for you to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. your mind froze up, and you didn't know what to do. the dutchman's excited expressions slowly turned into worry. you weren't doing or saying a word; maybe joost thought you didn't want to do anything.

a frown washed over his face. he started backing off, but suddenly you threw your hands onto his shoulder, pulling him closer to you. your lips were now on his, and joost's grip slightly tightened around your waist.

the kiss started off innocent, but as soon as joost moved you against the wall, it started getting more intense and rough. his hands moved around your back, and from time to time his would move down to kiss your neck too.

"hey, you said only a kiss. what's this?" you teased, playfully pushing joost away from you. he immediately frowned and pouted his lips at you. then, joost moved his hands back onto your hips and pulled you closer again.

"more, please." he mumbled, his voice and accent deep. joost moved back down to your neck, and your hands moved to his hair. it felt so soft in between your fingers.

joost's lips were now on your jawline, and as he kissed you, a small chuckle left your mouth. playfully, you pushed joost's head away, still playing with his beautiful blonde hair. he groaned and looked down at you, his blue eyes fierce.

"we can't do it here." you whispered, combing the back of his hair with your fingers. joost frowned, but with a sigh, he nodded at you.

"i want to go out for a smoke, come with me please?" joost said, in a softer tone than usual. you kissed his cheek and agreed.

a/n: hello!!! i hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! i know it was a bit more suggestive than usual, but i hope nobody gets mad at that. as always, thank you for the support!

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