E P I L O G U E (10)

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Triggered content ahead. Please skip if you're uncomfortable ⚠

Alectrona's pov......

Her grasp tightened on my throat, she murmured thousands of curses to me. She spitted on my face in hatred, her eyes were on me like she's feeling every second of me crawling towards my death. Mom pressed her whole strength only to make me breathless.

My legs were instinctively threw on the air with a hope of survival but I felt someone hold them too. Yuna. I fisted mom's dress, tried to breath but I couldn't. Mom smiled. Laughed. Enjoyed every moment.

Her eyes trailed down to my stomach where I was feeling my babies kicking for their breath too. Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

You know Ale, babies are destruction. See, you destroyed my whole youth and your baby is destroying your whole life. Isn't it? ”

She raised her left palm a little, caressed my stomach before slapped hard. I yelled in pain but my voice muffled in the lost of breath. My whole body trembled as a string of pain raised through my stomach.

I was on verge to loose everything. Me. My baby. And Jeon. Everything.

“ Hands up before I shoot you. ”

I heard a male voice . Mom and Yuna immediately left me, as I keep breathing hard for air . My eyes wondered around the room, bunch of men dressed in black entered in the room.

“ Mrs. Jeon, are you okay? ”

I lifted my face towards to find it's Betty, handing a glass of water to me. I blinked towards the men, getting it's Jeon's.

Two men walked towards the bed, pulled mom and Yuna away from me and hold them tight against the floor. I put my weight on my elbow, turned a little to sit up when I felt a strong arm, almost carried me up to make me sit.

The strong musky cologne hit my nose, I lifted my face with a bright hope.

Jeon! ”

I muttered, Jeon took the glass from Betty before leaning down to my face and hold the glass over my lips for me. My left hand curled against his hold on the glass as I gulped the water and the right hand wrapped against his waist, fisting his shirt tightly.

I lifted my face towards him, Jeon smiled. He leaned forward and pressed his lips on mine. It's home. My Jeon was my only home. I hold him tightly and my eyes streaming tears accordingly.

He pulled back from my lips, gazed over eyes as his thumb wipes the tears from my cheeks. He smiled.

What's it, Sun? I thought I will see my wife's smile when I'm back from an extremely fucking irritating business trip. ”

I chuckled at his silly attempt of changing my mood. Wiping my tears a little , I took his palm and put it on my stomach. He wasn't sure of my action until he felt the random kicks there. His eyes were widened.

“ What the hell they're doing there? Dancing? Doctors never told me about this shit. God! Sun,are you in pain? ”

My smile vanished as I snapped at him with a wide eyes. His face had twisted into a concern. I rolled my eyes back.

“ Jeon! Are you sure, you're old enough to be a dad? ”

I spilled as his men chuckled. Jeon glared at them before leaned forward to my face again.

“ It's fine we'll deal with them later. However they're not allowed to dance in your stomach like this. ”

I opened my mouth to argue with him further but he kissed me before trailing his gaze to his men where mom and Yuna was tied up . A slow, evil and mischievous grin followed his lips.

He walked towards my mom.

Is this my mother in law, Eva? Your mom? ”

I slowly stood up from the bed and walked towards Jeon. I hold him by his wrist and pulled back from her.

No. I have no mother, Jeon. Not biological one at least. ”

Jeon's face was blank like forever, a dark chuckle followed his tune. He came towards my back and made me lean on his body . I smiled.

“ Betty , take that tape off from her mouth. Let her speak. ”

I asked and Betty followed my words immediately. Mom spitted as soon as her tape was removed from her lips.

“ Jungkook! Showing love all over your pregnant wife right? Do you know these five months she was left all alone with my men? In this bedroom?”

My face dropped as soon as she started to speak. I stiffened as my mom chuckled nastily.

“ Ken said, he was fed by your wife. And I hope you can imagine what she had fed him to be on her side? Don't you? ”

My eyes widened with her words that immediately stepped towards her.

“ Ken didn't mean that. He just- ”

Jeon pulled me back from her again as I was wrapped between his arms. His chin was pressed against my shoulder as Jeon kissed my neck a little.

Bold of you to think Ken is your man, Ms. Sengupta! ”

My lips sealed together as Jeon chuckled darkly. Mom's eyes were widened with a shock.

“ W--What do you mean, Jungkook? ”

Jeon leaned back, kissed my cheeks as his palm caressed my stomach. However, he frowned again.

They're still dancing? We should have a serious discussion with them, Eva. ”

I snapped at him with a deadly glare though Jeon's eyes were all stucked towards mom. Jeon kissed my cheeks.

“ It's my stomach and my babies can do whatever they want. You keep your mouth shut. Understand? ”

Jeon rolled his eyes at my glare.

“ Whatever! Where was I? ” , Jeon trailed his words along with his eyes to mom, “ Ah! Yes! Ken. Did you really think Ms. Sengupta that you would keep sending me threat letters , kidnapped my wife and killed her with my heirs ? ”

I pressed my lips in a thin line, his face darkened while pronouncing every single words. I hold Jeon's hand tightly.

“ You should have done a homework about me, Ms. Sengupta. ”

Mom's face tightened as Jeon's words hit her like a reality smacks. She squeezed her eyes tightly and hang her head down.

“ So..... You knew about everything. And... Everything I planned was replanned by you. Right? ”

Jeon laughed loudly. However, my heart twisted. Mom wasn't a woman of bowing her head in defeat unless her mind has something more evil. Jeon snapped towards Yuna .

“ I thought one warning and one opportunity should be enough for your life, Yuna. However, you missed that. Remember what I said last time? ”

Yuna's eyes widened as it bounced between me and Jeon, pleading for forgiveness . Her mouth was taped but her eyes were screaming . For once my heart sympathize her but then her words echoed through my mind. A wave of anger raised through me.

However, before I could even react Jeon had his gun attached to her forehead as he pronounced, “ Things you did with my wife weren't supposed . However, Ajumma asked me to give you a easy death instead. So for her request, it's what you get. ”

A loud sound of gun echoes through the room. The bullet had crossed her head, left a hole there when Jungkook's shirt had stained with her blood.

I blinked at her lifeless body, neither flinched nor felt bad. I should right?

But why? They didn't even think twice before planning to harm my baby. They are monster. And if Killing them make me monster too.....

I put a palm over my stomach,

I am a monster for my babies!


Next update is coming soon ,until then comment guys! 😭🎀

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