The Gathering

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Fatima made it to work after she had took a detour to clear her mind of last night's events from finding out what happened to her clients to her husband playing in her face about her son. She gets there and parks in her usual spot getting out grabbing her stuff and making her way in to her building. She was greeted but the receptionist and also Andrea who spoke

"I heard your case died and I do mean literally" Fatima looks at her "You making a joke out of people who really had problems and decided dying was the answer?!" Andrea shakes her head "I would never but at least I don't got to be questioned by the police" Fatima was fairly confused by her comment until she seen police officers walking up to her. One of them spoke "Mrs Taylor you aren't in any trouble we just know that the Harts was the last people you seen and we do have some questions"

Fatima sighs and leads the two officers to her office while she mean mugged Andrea the whole way there. They walked inside and sat down while Fatima closed the door and sat down behind her desk she looked at them and gave them a smile before speaking "did you know Mr and Mrs Hart personally?!" She looked at them confused as she answered the question

"Not really they was just clients I met yesterday" they nod and write stuff down as the asked the next question "What was they in for?!" Fatima squints her eyes "They was in for a divorce... did you not see the name on my door it says D I V O R C E L A W Y E R" they nod once again and repeats the process. The other officer then speak "Did they or one of them show any signs of poor mental health to your knowledge that could cause this to happen?!" She shakes her head "Not to me no I had no idea..." the officers continue to question her a little bit more before deciding they had enough information and left

Meanwhile over at Zac's job "he sat in the car since he got there early so he didn't wanna go in right in that moment until he had to be in there. As he was sitting there someone got in his car and before he could speak she put hand over his mouth. He then looked over and seen who it was so he swatted her hand away as he spoke "what the fuck is wrong with you Avaya?!" She shrugs "I didn't want you to scream..."

He stares at her "I wasn't going to..." she tilts her head and makes a face "You was cause last time I hopped in your car you screamed like a little girl" he stays silent for a minute then speaks "What do you want girl" she sighs "I need money" he throws his hands up "What do you need money for now?!" She shrugs

"I left my wallet home with my card and cash in it soo I don't have any on me and you was the closest without me having to go all the way home so can you spot me?!" He shakes his head as he goes into his wallet to get out some money

He hands it to her but when she grabs it he holds on to it and speaks "This is $500 but you have to do me a favor later" she stares at him "Okay what?!" He laughs lightly "I need you to babysit cause me and Fatima are going to this gathering thing and we have no one else to babysit" she nods "Okay agreed..." he lets go of the money and she gets out the car and shuts the door

Once she shut the door he locked it immediately and went scrolling on his phone for a while until it was time to go work. After about an hour he finally went in and did what he had to do until the work day ended. Once he was done he went back to his car got in and pulled off. He drove to Sienna's house got the kids then drove all the way to Avaya's house dropping them off then going home

He got there and went inside to see Fatima was already half way ready cause she got off way before him. He then started to get ready. Once they was both finished Fatima took a picture of them before the two made their way out the door to Siennas house

The photo

Fatima insisted that Zac drive so he agreed and they got in his car and left making they way to Siennas house

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Fatima insisted that Zac drive so he agreed and they got in his car and left making they way to Siennas house. When they got there her parked and the two got out walking to the door. Before Zac couldn't even knock Sienna opened the door excited. She pushed past Zac and hugged Fatima who hugged her back. Zac pushed them apart so she looks at him "what's your problem" he sighs heavily "You almost knocked me down these damn steps trying to get to her and I was not greeted"

She laughs a little "I'm so sorry where are my manners?! Hi Zachary be careful don't fall down the steps" she pushes him again and hugs Fatima once more. He shakes his head and walks inside the house as he was greeted by Siennas Fiancé. He dapped him up and they started to talk for a little bit. A few minutes later the girls came in the house as everyone started to arrive. They all sat down as the food that was being made was still cooking

Sienna speaks "I'm so glad you all decided to come this is going to be a fun night. I have a fun game we can start off with it's called the letter game" Zac looks at her confused "Okay how do we play?!" She laughs a little "everyone gets a partner that is not your significant other and you write a subtle letter to them. Once everyone finishes you hand your partner the letter and they read it out loud for everyone to hear! It can be any type of letter just don't make it long"

After she explained the rules partners was chosen. Zac got Sienna, Fatima got Klover, Kalani got Ivan and Amir with Armani. They all got a piece of paper and started to write. When they was finished Zac and Sienna went first so he handed her his letter and she looked at it confused so he spoke "Read it exactly how you see it" she raises her eyebrow and laughs a little "Okay if you say so" she clears her throat and starts to read it "Dear Sienna and everyone listen I have wote..." he cuts her off "wrote.." she looks at him "it says wote" he sighs heavily "Just say wrote!" She threw her hands up and continued

"I have wrote this today to speak peace and love over everyones life i know there has been a lot going on these pass months but I am glad you out of all people decided to gather us her..." he cuts her off again "wait a minute, wait a minute pass?! Decided to gather us her?! What the..." she cuts him off "That's what it said I'm just reading what it says" he shakes his head "that's supposed to say Past and decided to gather us here! You know what it means!"

She shakes her head "I don't know what anything means... you told me read exactly how I seen it that's what I'm doing" he looks over at Fatima as she had her hand over her mouth as she tried not to laugh he then looks back at Sienna "Just say what it means..." she laughs lightly as she continues "these pass months but I am glad you out of all people decided to gather us here as this is a very genius gesture" she laughs once again

"I'm so sorry by how you fuck up your words WRITING it down nigga you ain't texting..." he's shakes his head "You know what give me my damn letter" he snatches the paper from her and she laughs "It says genius that's what it says..." Fatima looks over Zac's shoulder and reads it as she laughs "Was you rushing" he looks at her "Please leave me alone" she laughs again as Sienna speaks "You told me to read the note exactly how you wrote it you never told me to improv it"

He looks at her and raises his eyebrow as he speaks "oh improv... what are you Meryl fucking Streep?! Okay next time I will tell you to improv it..." the group started laughing as Klover speaks "Zac calm down it's just a game" he looks at her "Fine I'm sorry I just didn't know there was so many mistakes..." Kalani continues to laugh as she speaks

"Did you not read over it?!" He shakes his head "No I didn't think I needed to" Fatima shakes her head as she was still laughing "babe next time read it over" she pulls him into her as she continues to laugh and he wraps his arms around her waist. Sienna shakes her head as she tries to stop laughing "Let Zac calm down y'all I think the food is ready so we can eat then continue the game" the all agreed and got up going to the table and sat down while Sienna and her Fiancé went to get the food and put it out

Authors notes: Fatima getting questioned about her clients & poor Zac that was an intense start to their game maybe the next rounds will be better lol

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