Birthday fever

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After they all had eaten and got caught up with each other because they all haven't spent much time together they decided to finish the game up before some of them had to leave so the only ones that was left at Sienna house was Zac, Fatima, Kalani and Sienna of course. Her Fiancé had just went into the room so they all started to talk

Sienna looks at Fatima "What you doing for your birthday this year?!" She shrugs "I'm not sure yet I wanna do something that tops last year though..." Kalani nods "Oh for sure cause last year was so much fun I wanna go back like yesterday" they all laughed as they all looked back on Fatima's birthday last year and everything that transpired

Birthday FlashBack
Saturday 8am
April 22nd 2023

Fatima woke up bright and early to get her day started since it was her birthday she waisted no time. Zac's sister Avaya was accompanying Fatima today as they planned on getting pampered until the big party Fatima was having. Zac gave Fatima his credit card that had the credit limit of $4000. She looks at him "How much is on this card?!" He shrugs "Four thousand dollars" she nods as he speaks again "Use it as you please but don't go over what is given" Fatima smiles and gives him a kiss

Once they was finished with their interaction he turns to his sister and hands her cash. She looks through and counts it then looks back at Zac and smiles "Thank you for your donation" Zac stares at her "You want me to take it back?!" She sucks her teeth "What you gone do that for?!" He continues to look at her "Well then stop saying that dumb ass statement" she blinks lightly and shakes her head "it's always you... I be wondering how we are related cause this can't be right"

Fatima laughs lightly "I mean I don't know there is some kind of resemblance y'all kinda of look a like" Avaya scoffs "a little bit but who knows it may be because he got adopted and was forced to grow up with me" Fatima playfully gasps "You could be right" Avaya laughs as she shakes her head "Nah they found him on the side of the highway so we definitely had to take him in" the two girls was laughing while Zac stares at them

"Can y'all both get the fuck out now since y'all wanna be jokesters..." Avaya threw her hands up "We are leaving sir" Fatima laughs slightly "So rude" they both walk out the door and leave as Zac gets everything together for Fatima's big day. While the girls was out Zac didn't know what he was doing so he picked up his phone and called the one person he knew could help him. The person answers after the 3rd ring "This is Sienna may I ask who is disturbing my peace today?!" Zac sighs "Sienna you know it's me why you gotta start with this introduction?!"

She stays silent for a minute then speaks "Actually I honestly didn't your number isn't saved in my phone anymore" he shakes his head "And may I ask why?!" Sienna laughs lightly "See you pissed me off two days ago so I deleted your name from your number... then you decided to double the irritation you gave me so I blocked you" he stays silent for a few then speaks

"okay so let me guess you just unblocked me today?!" She laughs "Actually no I unblocked you yesterday cause Fatima said what if you need to call me for her or there is a emergency so she made logical sense and now here where are so how may I assist you today Zachary?!" He starts to rethink his decision but decided not to as he spoke "You know today is the day of Fatima's party right?!" She sighs "Yes... please tell me you didn't fuck nothing up?! I need this to be perfect!" He doesn't say anything so Sienna speaks again "I'm on my way don't touch not another fucking thing"

She hangs up the phone before he could even respond to her. He waited a little while then heard someone walk through the door so he went to see who it was. He shakes his head "Do you ever knock?!" She laughs a little "I have a key... why would I do that?!" He sighs "Moving on! I need help I don't know how none of this shit is supposed to look in the hall we got.." Sienna shakes her head "It's a formal themed party you acting like you never seen a formal party before... you know what never mind the only thing you need to do is get the cake!" He nods and then walks out the door before walking back in a few seconds later

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