Cupids Arrow

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The next day comes up quickly as it felt like they was sleep for only an hour when in reality they've been sleeping for about seven hours maybe more. Zac was on his phone while Fatima was getting dressed for the day. When she was finished she checked on the kids and fed them while she did all her other motherly duties. When she was finished she heard Zac coming downstairs so she looked at him "About time you got up"

He laughs a little "I been up... you didn't see me on my phone when you walked out the room" she shrugs "I did but I paid you no mind" he nods "Figures now you got to tell me about Sayora because you never told me last night you put the kids to bed and we went to sleep" Fatima sighs "She's a lunatic" Zac makes a face "You think so?!" Fatima nods "Yea we had a girls day one time and she kept joking about death and her boyfriend and all this other crazy shit and then two days later he came up missing" Zac looks at her confused

"Im lost isn't she a match maker on this app that SHE created?!" Fatima sarcastically laughs "Oh so she's playing Cupid now" Zac laughs "I'm not sure about all that but yea pretty much" Zac started to think for a little bit because he had made plans for Fatima to see her old "Friend" with little to no knowledge of how it ended he just thought they drifted apart but boy was he all the way wrong

He got up and went back upstairs taking out his phone and calling Avaya who answered after the second ring "What's sup fool" Zac laughs a little as he shakes his head "Can you ever just once in your lifetime be nice to me?!" Avaya laughs "Sometimes but what you want?!" He sighs "Get dressed we got a lunch date" Avaya gets excited "Ouuu with who?!" He laughs nervously "Um me, you, Fatima & a old friend that she fell out with cause she may be a crazy person" Avaya sighs "Zac have you ever heard of 2 is company 3 is a crowd and adding 4 to the mix this seems like a damn mafia meet up"

Zac shakes his head cause one thing about his sister she never takes anything serious so he had to speak up "Avaya be serious for once..." she laughs lightly "I am serious but go on what's the problem?!" He sighs "I planned this lunch outing before I knew why Fatima fell out with this girl... now that I know I kind of don't want her going alone but I also don't wanna piss of Sayora so will you go?!" She sighs as she stays silent for a moment to think once she gathered her thoughts she spoke

"Fine I'll go but only cause I might need to hand out an ass whooping..." he stays silent in confusion then speaks "To who?!" Avaya exhales heavily "I don't know it may be one for you and it may be one for that Sayora girl who knows if I start swinging and someone gets hit then we know who it's for..." Zac sighs and shakes his head cause he knew his sister was very much serious about the statement she just made. Once he hung up with her he went back down stairs and smiled at Fatima

She looks at him confused "What you want?!" He playfully gasped "why do you think I want something?!" She laughs lightly "cause anytime you want something you start smiling like a weirdo so what is it?!" He sighs "Fine I planned us a date night" Fatima smiles "Ouuu just me and you?!" He nods then tries to whisper "And my sister" Fatima heard him and hit his arm "What the fuck Zac..." he grabs his arm "Ow that hurt and what she wanted to come so I'm letting her"

Fatima sighs and shakes her head "You ever heard of 2 is company 3 is a crowd" he turns away and whispers under his breath again "Clearly y'all won't let me not know it..." Fatima looks at him "What was that?!" He looks at her "huh?!" She stares at him "What you say?!" He shakes his head "Nothing... can you please go get dressed and look nice while I drop the kids off with Sienna and Kalani" Fatima stares at him "How you know they wanna watch the kids?!" He shrugs as he laughs a little

"This is Sienna and Kalani we are talking about they would do anything if I say you asked... them girls love you" she nods as she agrees with him "Yea but that doesn't mean they be the only ones that do it" he sighs heavily "well who else do we got Fatima?!" She shrugs "How about we stay home that way we can do stuff here your sister can stay home and our kids can stay with us" he shakes his head "We need a night out with just us!" She sighs "And your sister apparently..."

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