Putting the piece together

267 18 2

TW: Subtle mention of suicide & death

Fatima got to the police station and parks getting out of her car and walking towards the door. She stops when she seen Sayora sitting on the bench outside of the building so she looks at her confused "Why are you out here" Sayora shrugs "Debating on whether or not I wanna turn myself in" Fatima looks at her confused "Okay that's bold.. but why?!" She shrugs once again "I don't know I guess I feel guilty"

Fatima nods as she was getting all around confused. She then realizes her old friend is super manipulative so she stares at her and speaks "Whats your game?!" Sayora stands up and lets go of the whole sad puppy act and straightens up her face "fine I just wanted to watch you make your way into the police department to discuss the death of you clients..." Fatima shakes her head "why do I think you had something to do with it?!" Sayora laughs lightly "I didn't.. it's Till Death Do They Part! And in this case they died together" She then mimics the sound of a gunshot hold her fingers at her own head

Fatima was disturbed but brushed it off as Sayora laughs lightly before walking away. Fatima stands there stuck before making her way inside and speaking to the person at the front desk. They send her back in to a room where she was sat down and talked to for about 15 minutes before they send her back out the room for a little bit while they discuss some things

Meanwhile back at the house Zac was still thinking about what was going on as he was still highly confused. He then heard his down open and closed again just for it to be his sister once again so he spoke "You literally just left like thirty minutes ago how are you back already" she sighs "Date got cancelled something about his mom being in the hospital" Zac finally decides to look at her and laughs a little "Do you not care?!" She laughs slightly "I do care and also this is good cause now I can teach you something"

He shakes his head "Okay speak because I am highly confused on what's going on..." Avaya sighs "Listen she was expecting you to call the police on her..." he stares at her "So how does that make me stupid?!" Avaya laughs "you already talk to much.. the police is trying to find a lead on this case if they ask you the slightest question and you go into detail that makes you her assessory" he gets confused again "How?!" Avaya starts to get frustrated "bro do you know that if you know to much details of a crime and don't report it until way after for your personal gain they will arrest you to for not only knowing but not speaking the fuck up idiot" Zac shakes his head as he turns away from his sister

"so I guess me and Fatima will be split apart but instead of Death Do Us Part it's Jail do us part" Avaya slaps him in the back of his head and he grabs it "That shit hurt Avaya..." she laughs "I know maybe it'll shift your brain back in place" he sighs as Avaya speaks again "I seriously need a DNA test for me and you and our parents cause we can't be related with you being this slow I just don't understand" he then looks at her again "Yea then maybe it can explain why you so light skinned with that big ass head of yours"

Avaya gasps and Zac laughs as she speaks "My head is not big!" He nods "It is you look like the abdominal snowman if you ask me" Avaya shakes her head "See this is what I get for helping motherfuckers like you... next time I'm gone let your dumbass call her in and tell them all you know... your ass would've been in cell block one and I would've been receiving you got a collect call from.. then I right would've let it go through then hung up on your ass" Zac laughs as he shakes his head

Back with Fatima she finally gets done at the police station and leaves out. She gets in her car and started to go home but somehow she ended up back at Sienna's house. She parks and gets out the car going in to her house. Surprisingly Sienna was still up but the babies was sleep so she put them in the other room along with Kalani since she fell asleep right along with her. Sienna looks at Fatima "What happened?!" Fatima stares at her "I think I'm being played with..."

Sienna shakes her head "No you know I don't play that so tell me everything!" Fatima sighs "Okay so I get called to the police station and when I get there Sayora is sitting outside on the bench... I asked her what she was doing and she was talking about turning herself in" Sienna laughs "Now you should know by now that bitch is lying" Fatima laughs lightly "I figured that out and she admitted to lying about turning herself in.. anyways I feel like she had something to do with my clients death" Sienna looks at Fatima confused as she was trying to figure something out

"Now Fatima I'm no mathematician but I'm pretty sure two plus two does not equal six... because didn't they die of a murder suicide?! Like one person kills the other then kills themself" Fatima makes a face then nods "Yes that's what the news people said but when I went to the police station they had a different story" Sienna shakes her head "Okay now I'm confused" Fatima laughs lightly "I was too but the guy officer said that in the autopsy report they got they was both shot in the same place... the husband was just shot a extra time to make it look like a suicide"

Sienna started to add it up together "ohh okay I understand now.. but that's stupid as fuck" Fatima shakes her head "not for a psychopath that bitch is a genius" as she was talking to Sienna her phone rung so she looked at it to see it was Zac and picks it up "Hello" Zac sighs "Yea so Sayora is actually insane..." Fatima laughs lightly "We've established that but what makes you say that?!" He stays quiet for a moment then speaks "So me and my sister was talking and we decided to do our research on Sayora.." Avaya on the other side spoke "correction I decided to do some research" Fatima laughs and stay quiet as she lets them continue

"Anyways as I was saying... we found out that she created this app that she has now years ago and not months ago" Fatima stops them "So wait she lied?!" Zac sighs "yes and get this not only did she lie but the couple you had as your clients was the first two people she helped together" Fatima's mouth drops "I knew that bitch was up to no good..." Sienna shakes her head "More importantly we was friends with that bitch for so many years we didn't even know she was looney in the head"

Fatima laughs a little then speaks "Okay well I'm going to see you and Avaya in a few when I leave here" She then hangs up the phone as she continues to talk to Sienna before finally leaving. She decided to just let the babies stay the night since they was already sleeping so she told Sienna she will be back in the morning to grab them from her. She gets up and hugs Sienna before walking out the door to her car and getting in

Authors Notes: there is a lot to unpack here...

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