Chapter 37 - Written

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Chalkline's POV

"You look like you didn't sleep well." I looked up at Mel from the cup of coffee I had in my hand that I have been fighting to drink.

"Yeah, I have been up."

"Sacred to close your eyes?" I wish that was the case.

"One night I was up trying to get my wife to talk to me, she refused to even fight with me so she left and slept in LJ's room."

Mel chuckled lightly and took a seat across from me. "I always thought that not arguing is a good thing."

I looked all over for her until I found her hugging her son, sound asleep. I finally understand what she meant when she said she felt jealous of the kids. I had to remind myself that it was my own son and left the room.

"In this case it's not. I wanted her to tell me exactly how she feels but she refused to and kept saying that she was ok. She is not."

Mel poured herself a cup of coffee and I finally took a sip of mine. It was horrible. I rather when Stacy makes it, she knows how to get it the way I like it.

"Give her some time and don't force her because you might wake something in her that you won't like."

Let me wake, I wanted her fire, so I could put it out.

"Well I would rather wake it and put it back to sleep but now I don't know what to do. This is not Stacy."

"Garrick, sometimes you won't get the war and as for Stacy, I think she chose peace because it's better for her right now. Leave it where it is."

"She is sleeping in another bed, Mel."

"You have done it too, give her time."

"I don't want to, I need her right now. I swear to God—" The cup fell from my hand and shattered, spilling coffee on to the floor.

"Garrick, please calm down. You have to learn to control your temper."

"Mel I am trying, I haven't left the house in two days while she stayed home for an entire day and avoided me as much as she could. Yuh nuh see she called over friends and dem deh a mi pool a drink and a laugh?"

Mel laughed and I tried my hardest not to be agitated. "Yah laugh? Stacy know wah she do. See she wake up early and gone without telling me where she was going."

"I am sure you know where she was." I did but it's not the sa,e. She was testing my fate.

"Just give her some space, Garrick."

"Mel, how can I give my wife space after she learns some things about me?"

The fuck up thing Is that I don't even know what she knew. She refused to talk to me about it. Tamara is the next fucking one.

"So are you going to fight with your wife for trying to keep the peace with you?"

Either Mel didn't get it or she was trying to be slick for Stacy's sake. I knew my wife better than anyone else and when it comes to me, everybody can get it, even me.

Stacy don't do calm when I fuck up.

"Stacy, nah trick nobody. I have to go."

I got up from the table. "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere," I said and made my way out of the house.

Stacy's POV

"You have missed a lot of appointments. I am surprised to see you today."

I kept biting my newly done fresh tips. Maybe I shouldn't have come today. I felt naked. Baring my soul was not something I planned on doing any time soon.

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