Chapter 1

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I hugged my friend Katie before I go to the Mercedes waiting for me. It's the last day of school, and usually, I would be bubbling over with ideas that me and Katie could do this summer, but not this time. "Bye Katie! I promise to text you every day when I get to Nevada, and we'll skype tons, too," I said as I squeezed her. "Okay, I'll miss you," she replied. I let go of her. "I'll miss you, too, butI am coming for sure this winter break to visit. We already have plane tickets, too," I promised. Then I heard my mom honk the horn, and I said, "I have to go. Bye Katie," I said, then ran to our car, and got in the front seat. "How was it?" Mom asked me. "Better than I thought it would be," I said. "Well, most of the house is boxes, but you don't have to pack your clothes until a day or two before we leave," Mom said. "Okay," I said, then thought about what I would do for my last two weeks of living in New York. "I'm going to go pack some of my tack and other stuff from the barn, so could you drive me there?" I asked Mom. Usually I ride my bike and use a draw string bag to keep my riding clothes in, so this is a sorta big deal. "I can't, I have a few errands to run, but how about you ride your bike, and pack tomorrow," Mom suggested. "Okay," I said, half glad that I didn't have to spend so much time packing just yet. When we got home, I threw out all of the contents in my back pack, then stuck the bag in a box by our closet. Then, I dashed upstairs, and packed chocolate brown riding pants, a sage green polo shirt, and a black belt. My boots and helmet are already there, so I don't have to worry about packing those. I brushed my strawberry blonde ombré hair, and put it into a neat, French braid. Then I slipped on some socks, tennis shoes, Nike shorts, and a t shirt, then went into our garage, grabbed my bike, and took off to the barn. It was an easy bike ride, only about 6-7 minutes long, and soon enough, I was at Central Park Stables, where I keep my dappled grey Thoroughbred/Irish Sport Horse mare, Santa Maria. Well, I just call her Ria. I parked my bike in the bike wrack, and locked it. Then, I took my bag to the bathroom, and changed into my riding gear.When I was changed, I put my bag in my locker, then took a look around the locker. It was nicely organized. The brushes were in the lime green brush box on the floor. My all purpose saddle is on the top saddle wrack, with its crisp white saddle pad under it. My western saddle was on the bottom wrack, with its thick, royal blue, saddle rug folded next to it. My purple bareback pad was also neatly folded next to the saddle rug, and my bridles were hung up on the hooks, along with my extra halter and lead line. My helmet and boots were on top of the shelf, along with a bucket of horse cookies. I slipped off my tennis shoes, and replaced them with my black paddock boots and half chaps. I snagged the brush box, then set it by an empty pair of cross ties. Then, I took my English tack to the wrack by the cross ties, then walked to Ria's stall. I reached her stall, and I was greeted by her stable mate, Nelly, a big chestnut Hanoverian. "Hi Nelly!"I said the him, and rubbed his cheek. Then, I clucked to Ria, and she stuck her grey head out of the stall door. "Ria!" I sang in a sing song voice. Then, I unmatched her stall door, grabbed her nylon rope halter, and slipped it over her head. I led her to the cross ties, and hooked her up to them. I gave her a good grooming, and tacked her up. I took her to the outdoor arena, a nice change from the indoor arena. It was a nice, sunny day, perfect for riding outside.I looked around at the ring. There was a jumping course set up, but I was planning on doing dressage. Maybe I'll do jumping today instead. I do like it better than dressage, so why not?I mounted Ria, and adjusted my stirrups. Then I warmed her up. As we trotted around, I could feel Ria's muscles loosening up, so I pushed her into a canter. I rode her rocking canter around the ring, and in sweeping circles. When she was fully warmed up, I did some exercises to help my jumping position become stronger. After a few more exercises, I decided it was time to jump. I warmed her up with a few cross rails, then I had her do the course that was set up. We cantered to the first jump-a 2' vertical. We cleared it, then we popped over a few cross rails, then another vertical, and finished the course by soaring over a small oxer. "Great job Ria!" I cheered, and patted Ria's warm neck. Even though I had worked her hard, she still had a spring in her step, and it seemed like she wanted to go again. "No girl, I have to get home soon," I said sadly. I'd much rather stay here with Ria, practicing jumping and dressage, and going on relaxing trail rides through the park. I frowned, then began the process of cooling her down. ~*~I led Ria back to the cross ties, and stripped the tack off of her. I put it back in my tack locker, then went back to groom her. I curried the spots where she had sweated a lot, then I cleaned her hooves. She was already pretty clean, so I put her back in her stall, and opened her back door so she could go out into her paddock. "Bye Ria!" I called to her, and she looked up at me, then went back to dozing off. I went back in the barn, to my tack locker. I took off my half chaps and paddock boots, and set them neatly on the shelf, and I did the same for my helmet. I went into a the bathroom to change, and after I did, I biked back to my box filled house. I made a path through the boxes, upstairs to my room. My room is sky blue, and I used to have ribbons hung up, and pictures of Ria and me. I loved my room, until it was stripped of all my photos and ribbons.I sighed and frowned. This isn't my room anymore. The photos, ribbons, and posters is what made it mine, but now they're gone, and it's just a room. I grabbed a change of clothes, and took a hot shower. It was very refreshing, and I tossed my dirty clothes in my hamper."DINNER!!!!!" Mom called, and I happily ran down the stairs. Mom is a great cook! She is a part time chef at a high class restaurant in New York, so her meals are the best. But because of my dad's job, we have to move to Nevada. Sigh. "What is it tonight, Master Chef?" I asked. "Well, we are keeping it simple with grilled cheese sandwiches and soup," Mom said. "Yum," I said, then got ready for the yummy dinner that awaits. ***A/N: we hope u like this chapter! @katered7books wrote this chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter :) (Next chapter will be written by ~katered7books and Rainyawesome

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