Chapter 6

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The next day I woke up and got ready for my last day at the barn. I wonder what the surprise is?

After skipping down the stairs, I make myself breakfast, consisting of a bagel and cream cheese. After that I went and got my mom up so she could drive me to the barn.

When I got to the barn I enter and walk up to where Phanta used to be stalled. I walk up to it expecting to see Phanta, when I remember she was already gone.

But sitting in her stall, was a tiny little German Shepherd mix!

"Oh my gosh!" I nearly screamed.

The puppy wagged its tail, and gave a little "woof." I opened the stall door and grabbed the puppy. It's fur was so soft. I am cuddling the tiny little puppy, when someone walks up.

"Do you like him?'' a voice said from the front of the stall.


"In the flesh!"

"How did you convince my parents?!"

"A little bit of persuasion always works."

I stand up and surprise him by giving him a hug.

"I thought you weren't coming?"

"What and miss seeing my friend for the last time?"

I just smiled at him and picked up the puppy.

"What's his name?"

"He doesn't have one yet, name him whatever you want."

I think for a few minutes, then the perfect name comes to my mind.

"Colby, I think his name is Colby."

"That name fits him just fine," Cason said with a smile.

"I am glad you think it fits him," I said with a smirk.

He just rolled his eyes at me and walked away.

After playing with Colby for awhile the other kids showed up, and I was drug away from the stall.

Even if some of the kids were brats, at least they could be nice if they tried.

Most of the day, I was hanging out with horses and my barn "friends." Finally, towards later on the day all of them had to go home and I was left alone at the barn, except for Cason and Colby.

Colby was chasing a leaf around the pasture when Cason walked up to me.



"This is really your last day at the barn isn't it?"

I sighed, "Yeah."

"By the way he is mostly German shepherd but there is some other breeds mixed in there."

Instead of answering I just watched Colby. We sat there for a little while longer until a car horn sounded from the parking lot.

"Well," he started, "I guess I'll see you when you come back for vacation."

"Yeah, bye."

He walked away towards the parking lot. I continued sitting there for awhile until the sun started setting. I took some pictures of Colby sitting in the sunset, then walked into the barn for the last time.

I said goodbye to all the horses, and then jumped on my bike and headed home.


Finally, the day for moving came. After putting the last box in the mail, we headed for the airport. My parents love Colby, and they allowed me to bring him as my carry on.

The drive to the airport was too short for me. I wanted it to be longer. I didn't want to face the reality that I actually had to move. Even though Phanta was on her way to the new stables, I didn't want to leave.

Once we reached the airport, we unloaded the car, and my dad drove it to the rent-a-car place. When he got back a few minutes later, we walked into the airport.

I had flown before, but the airports never failed to amaze me. There were so many people running from and to their rides, and such a big building.

Colby whimpered in his cage, and I reached my hand in to pet him reassuringly. His warm fur tickled my fingers, and I let out a little laugh.

We walked through the airport, and looked at a few maps to find where we needed to go. Finally, we found where security was, and we headed there.

We passed through security easily enough, and headed to get a snack before we had to board our plane. I got a cinnamon roll, and my parents got mini muffins. We also bought some dried fruit for the plane ride.

Then came the hard part, waiting. Our plane ride was delayed, so we sat waiting for two hours. Colby really wanted out, but airport rules wouldn't allow it unless they were on the artificial grass patches scattered inside.

So finally after waiting for so long I told my parents that I had to find one for him to use. At this point I had been waiting for an hour, so I knew I had some time.

I wandered over to the map, and found out that there was one just down the "hallway." I carried Colby over to it, and after reaching it I let him out.

He immediately relieved himself, the started running around on the leash. After letting him get some energy out, I put him back in the cage and walked back to the waiting area. We sat there for awhile, until the plane finally arrived.

We boarded the plane and found our seats. I got a window seat. Soon after boarding the 'use seat belts' sign came on and I buckled up.

The plane started moving and so did my life. As the plane took off, the Mississippi River got smaller and smaller, so did my home.



I am sooo sorry this chapter took so long to update! My life has been crazy lately. I had my last show of the season, and then I had to do 10 hours of "volunteer" work for my school in the last two days. Also my teachers don't think we do anything, so school work has been crazy. Then finally I get to go look at buying a new horse on Monday. I mean I love my pony but I am too big for her.

Anyway I am done giving excuses! Have a good day/night!

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