Chapter 5

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Lina's POV

I sat in the car next to my carry on bag which had all of my stuff that I had left off of the moving truck in. Charlie was in his little pet carrier on my lap. Apparently, now if you are flying with pets, if they are small enough, they must be carried as a carry on, which I am just fine with!

It was 6 a.m., and we arrived at the airport. We did all of the regular stuff-check in, get our tickets, send my parents' bags on the track thingy so we could just pick them up at baggage claim, and went through security. Since I had Charlie with me, I had to take him out of his pet carrier and hold him so security could check him, too. Finally, we passed through security, and we were headed to our gate.

We reached our gate, C27. We sat down and regrouped ourselves for a few minutes.

"I'm gonna go get us something to eat," Dad said, and stood up, then started walking to the Dunkin' Donuts that was nearby.

"Thanks!" Mom and I called after him, then sat in silence.

"Look, Lina, I know that this is hard for you to leave New York, but I promise your dad and I are gonna try to make Nevada as great as it can be! And the camp that you and Ria are gonna go to is gonna be great, and by the time you get home, the house is going to look spectacular! And Ria will get to settle into her new home at which ever barn we decide to board her at," Mom said.

I smiled, but it was only half real. I know that my parents are really trying, but it's still hard. I have to leave all of my friends from school and the stables. It's gonna be tough making new friends.

"I know," is all I said to my mom, then I pretended to be fine and played with Charlie through the pet carrier.

A few minutes later, Dad came back holding a paper bag and cardboard cup holder containing 2 coffees and a bottle of apple juice. He handed one steaming cup to Mom, and the juice to me. "Thanks, Dad," I said, then unscrewed the top off of the apple juice, and to a couple sips of it.

Dad sat down, and opened the bag. He gave Mom an old fashioned glazed donut, and handed me a donut with chocolate glaze over it. I bit into the chocolate yumminess. Mmmm.

We finished our breakfasts within minutes, and threw away our trash. I still had some apple juice left, so I stuck it in my bag and would drink it on the plane ride.

We waited for 40 minutes, and finally, it was time to board the plane. They let people who served our country on first, then first class, and so on and so on. We finally boarded the plane, and I sat next to my Mom in seat 7A. Huh, seat 7A. That made me think of one of my favorite country songs.

I had stuck my bag up above the seats, and Charlie would go by my feet, but I held him on my lap until the flight attendant had finished the safety thingy or whatever. I never really listened to that. I dozed off until the flight attendant told us to put our carry on under the seat in front of us, so I reluctantly set Charlie's pet carrier under the seat by my feet.

After the pilot and the flight attendant made a few more announcements, we began going down the runway, and usually I would be excited by the rush of the plane, but not today.


Hours later, we are walking out of the airport in Nevada, and are waiting for a shuttle to take us to the car rental place. When the shuttle arrives, we hop on, and sit silently the whole short ride. When we reach the car rental, we get off of the shuttle, and Dad goes into the building, and minutes later walks out with some keys and directs us to the car we will be using.

Dad unlocks the white SUV, and we toss our stuff in, then pile into the car. I feel bad for poor Charlie in his small carrier. We had to clean it out twice on our layover in Chicago.

We drive out of the parking lot, and Dad already has the GPS going on his phone. We ride in the car for about 35 minutes when we finally start entering the town we're living in. We go through the downtown, which is much smaller than New York, and about 10 minutes later we pull into a neighborhood called Mavericks, and drove deeper into the neighborhood, then turned on Crescent Hill Ct, and parked in the driveway of house number 37.

As I unload my suitcase and Charlie, I look over the house from the outside. It was a light brown, and had pretty stone accents on it. There were pillars made from stone, and there was a large grassy yard in front of it, and I could tell the backyard was large, too.

Mom and Dad grabbed their stuff, and then Dad said, "Shall we go inside?"

Mom said yes, and I barely nodded my head. We walked up to the front door, and Dad pulled out the house key, and unlocked it. He pushed the door open, and we entered.

The inside was gorgeous. The hardwood floors gleamed, and the stairs were carpeted. I immediately trotted up the stairs, and found the bedroom that I had chosen. I set down all of my stuff, then went down to the mud room with Charlie to set up his stuff.

I set his litter box and bed up in just a few quick minutes, and then I closed the door. I opened the carrier, and Charlie cautiously stepped out and smelled his new home. After getting to know the place, he sat in his bed, and took a well needed nap.

I watched him for a moment. He was happy, so I left him to sleep peacefully.

"Goodnight guys," I said, and my parents said goodnight back. I trudged up the stairs with Charlie in my arms, then set him on my bed with my new chocolate brown comforter. He settled down, and waited patiently for me to put pjs on, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Then I snuggled into my warm bed, and dragged Charlie next to me. I tried to fall asleep, but my mind wandered to Ria. I wondered what she was doing right now. Where is she? Who are her trailer buddies? Is she alright? Does she miss me? Questions ran nonstop throughout my mind, and wouldn't stop. The only answer I knew for sure was the one to this question: Do I miss Ria? You betcha.


A/N This was written by katered7books. But I am writing this part. 

Sorry this took so long to come out! I accedentially deleted the email she sent me with this like three weeks ago, and totally forgot that she had sent me one! So my fault! Anyway I hope you enjoy this, I will try to have the next chapter out sometime within two weeks! But school has been insane so no promises! 

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