Chapter 4

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Saturday showed up way too fast. And before I knew it I was loading Phanta up into the trailer and I wouldn't see her for over a week almost two.

"Goodbye girl," I whisper into her ear. "Be good."

I load her into the trailer and hand the man my feeding schedule.

"Thank you for hauling her to my new barn," I tell the man before he gets in his truck and pulls away my baby. I watch the truck pull down the road before turning and walking inside the barn to finish packing up her stuff.

An hour later I have finished packing up and I am now saying goodbye to most of the horses and some of my friends. Tomorrow I was coming back out but a lot of kids are hanging out with their families because tomorrow is Sunday.

After I finish loading my boxes into the car I jump in and we drive away. And as we drive away, I feel like a whole part of me was just ripped away. Because really Riverside Stables was my home away from home, and now it was gone from my life..


Later that day I put my last box in the moving truck before it sped away taking almost all of my stuff with it, including all of Phanta's things. I walk back inside and turn on my computer and log into my email account.

You have 60 new emails

The computer told me. I delete the first 20 because all of it is junk mail then I start at the bottom and work my way up. The first few were just kids I know from school who were in some of my classes saying that they were going to miss me. Then I started seeing more emails from kids I was actually friends with. Those made me sad and I started crying. I finished reading all of them and then I clicked on the last one, it was from Jason and Cason.

Hi Addy,

We know we told you that we were going to actually say goodbye, but we decided that this will be our goodbye. We decided that saying goodbye face to face would be too hard and make it seem like you would be gone forever... This way it will make us feel like you are only on a vacation not living on the other side of the country. We will obviously miss you a lot and we will be texting you non stop so you will wish you were still here that way we will quit annoying you. Anyway this is our goodbye.... Have a good time...

~Jason and Cason

After I finished reading the email I really started crying. I spent another two hours crying and then laughing at myself for crying so much then start crying because I would miss my friends.

After the emotional time I finished clearing my room and headed downstairs where I had dinner. After dinner I watched some tv and hung out with my mom and dad. We had a good time and watched Mall Cop 2. It was really funny, and it felt really good to laugh after crying for so long.

At 11 I go to bed and text Cason.

Addy: Hey I got your email, and I guess I understand...

A few minutes later he texts back.

Cason: Im glad you understand. How is moving going?

Addy: Gd I guess, I already miss u and Phanta.

Cason: I feel so honored that u would miss me.

Addy: U should, I only miss some people

Cason: I do have a surprise 4 u 2morrow, it will b @ barn in morning

Addy: u going all text talk on me? And Wat type of surprise? Should I b scared?

Cason: Don't worry, I got permission from your parents first.

Addy: That doesn't make me any less scared.

Cason: You'll just have to see it 2morrow.

Addy: U r so mean making me wait til

Cason: I know that's why I do it.

Addy: :I

Cason: i no I am just that cool

Addy: I am really questioning talking 2 u right now

Cason: O but U no u want to talk 2 me

Addy: is it bad if I admit to that?

Cason: Probably

I hear my mom walking to bed and I cover my phone just before she walks into my room to check on me. She makes sure my window is open and then she walks back out of my room.

Addy: u just had 2 say that didn't u

Cason: maybe, but u will never no

Addy: o just u wait I will find out

Cason: and noing u, u probably will

Addy: yep

Cason: anyway I am going to bed now so I guess I will text you in the morning

Addy: ok bye

After I finish sending him my message I turn my phone off and try and fall asleep. But after 12:30 passes I give up. I turn my phone back on and check what tone it is in Nevada.

My phone says its 10:30 ish there. It makes me feel better, and I decide to see if I can find where Phanta's trailer is.

The results pop up and it's estimated location is about 11 hours west of my house. It will take awhile to get any further because they are making a lot of stops and giving the horses a few times to stretch their legs.

After looking on my phone until 1: 30 I fall asleep, and dream of flying Bulls chasing my and Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.

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