Chapter 9

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Today was it! The day I would finally see Ria again! Oh, and the first day of camp.

If I wasn't so excited about seeing Ria, I would be more nervous about camp. I've never gone to a sleep away camp, but knowing that Ria is there makes me feel less nervous.

I got out of bed and patted Charlie's head. I stared at him as he stretched, then picked him up and cuddled him close.

"I'm gonna miss you while I'm gone," I said. "But I'll be back before ya know it. And Mom and Dad will take perfect care of you." They better,  I thought.

I set him down and fed him his breakfast and cleaned his litter box. The horrible stench that came from the box was just a small price to pay for having the greatest kitten in the world.

After that I got dressed in jeans and a t shirt, something comfortable to wear on the car ride. The camp wasn't too far away-2 hours.

After breakfast, we loaded up my trunk and duffel bags, and my tack trunk. It was a lot, but the camp is for 2 months!

At 9:00, we hopped in the car so we would be there by 11. That way we have enough time to get settled and ready for lunch.

* * *

Two hours later we pulled into camp. Wow, it was gorgeous. And massive! There were so many things to look at-I didn't know which thing to process first!

I decided to go find the stable, find Ria's stall, then go get her.

We hopped out of the car and made our way to the stable. We walked through the entrance, and wow was it big! There were tons of stalls and tons of horses.

We walked around until we found the camp director.

"Hi, my name is Lina and I'm bringing my horse Ria! Which stall should I put her in?" I asked the director sweetly.

She smiled at me, then checked her clipboard. "Ah, yes, Ria will be in stall 24! It's at the end of this aisle on the right," she informed me.

"Ok, thank you!" I said, then my parents and I made our way to the trailer lot, and waited for Ria.

* * *

20 minutes later I was holding the lead rope to my girl! "Hey Ria, I missed you," I said as I hugged her neck.

I checked her legs for any heat and her shoulders, neck, stomach, and flank for any bites or scratches while my parents talked to the trailer driver.

"C'mon girl, let's get you in your stall," I said, and as I led her into the barn, something seemed off, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hmm, I bet you're just stiff from the long trailer ride. I promise after lunch I'll walk you around the campgrounds for a bit, okay?" I said, and she blinked at me. I took it as an Okay!

"I'll be back girl, just gotta unload your stuff," I said, and expected her to hang her head out of the stall and stare me down like she usually does. But I got nothing. I frowned. That was strange, she always used to hang her head out the door to watch me go. Odd.

I tried to shake it off and convince myself that she was probably just tired and overwhelmed. She did just travel for days across the country in a small space with other horses she'd never met before. Not to mention that she's also in a new and unfamiliar location that's buzzing with new people and horses. I couldn't blame her- she probably just wants to go home!

Me too, I thought.

* * *

Mom and Dad helped me unload all of my stuff. It was hard work, but necessary. At 12:15, a bugle sounded, letting all the campers know it's time for lunch.

"Before we say goodbye, we almost forgot to tell you what the trailer driver said to us," Dad said.

"What? Did something happen?" I ask, tension creeping into my shoulders and stomach.

"Kind of. None of the horses were injured, but another trailer broke down that was hauling a couple of horses, so they were merged with our trailer. He said that they usually don't take that many horses in one trailer, so if Ria seemed a bit different, she was probably just annoyed about being with too many horses," Mom said.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know," I said. So that's why Ria was acting strange!

"Well, time to say goodbye," Dad said. I hugged both my parents, said goodbye, and made them promise that they would give Charlie lot's of attention and constant updates about him while I was gone.

I waved to them as they drove off, and I was all alone.

Well, at least I've got Ria by my side.


A/N: hey guys  here!! Sorry it took me FOREVER to update- things have been crazy. between riding, fostering kittens, school work, and volleyball, I've had little to no time to write! just wanted to apologize to everyone

please vote and comment!!

~kate and kyra

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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