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"Gomawo sunbae"

"Hm, no problem. After this, go straight to sleep, Ok?"

The sweet one nodded slowly with his cheeks flushed from being watched like that.

"Then I'll say goodbye to going home, good night future boyfriend."

"G-good night, be careful
sunbae...remember! not to speed on the streets" Yoongi said nervously because he was called his 'future boyfriend'

"Arraseo" Taehyung started the engine, then drove away from the cute one house.

Meanwhile at the mansion, Seokjin is pacing back and forth while biting his nails anxiously... it's already 1 in the morning but his fifth brother hasn't come home yet.

"hyung, aren't you asleep yet?" Hoseok asked, who had just left the room with a big yawn.

"How can I sleep if the alien hasn't come home yet?" Seokjin answered, which made Hoseok's half-conscious eyes immediately open wide.

"What?! not yet home? Gosh...where's the alien?" he annoyed, then sat on the sofa to accompany his hyung.

"Isn't it unusual for him not to come home like this? I am worried"

"Calm yourself hyung, I'm sure he'll be home soon," said Hoseok.

And sure enough, 10 minutes later the door opened to reveal the tan teenager they had been waiting for.

"Why aren't you two asleep yet?" Taehyung wondered.

"Where have you been?" Instead of answering his question, Seokjin instead asked in a cold tone

"I-I'm just accompanying a cat who's sad, hyung..." Taehyung answered nervously.

"Yyak! Do you know how worried I was when you weren't home yet?" Seokjin scolded, making Taehyung look down regretfully


Seokjin took a deep breath, then looked at his younger brother "Don't repeat it, now go to your room and sleep"

"Nee" said Taehyung, bowed briefly then walked towards his room.

The tan teenager closed the door, then lay down on his king size bed. His big hand reached into his jacket pocket and smiled when he found a photo

"Aren't we like brides and grooms doing pre-wedding, kkk" he muttered, giggling in amusement. He then got up and put the photo in a glass box with lollies in it.

"You know, I have now stopped smoking, and I obeyed you by replacing it with candy," he said, looking at the lollipop the sweet one gave him when he was caught smoking in the health unit.

"At first I was addicted to the taste of candy, but now...I'm addicted to the taste of your lips." he continued smiling looking at the photo of the two of them kissing, ah no, he just meant touching their lips...

"Later, when you become my lover... I will kiss your lips every second."

After being satisfied with talking about photos and candy, the tan teenager put the glass box back in a safe place... then went into the bathroom to clean himself so he was comfortable sleep time.

Morning came, and a commotion broke out in the luxurious mansion because Jungkook shouted looking for his favorite socks and ended up being scolded by Seokjin

"Just ask that alien! Gosh...I was already sweating like this in the morning" annoyed Seokjin, then went back to kitchen to continue the cooking show.

Jungkook snorted, then walked to Taehyung's room in annoyance. He opened the door impatiently, luckily the one in the room was taking a shower... so he wouldn't get scolded.

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