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TW: Depictions of smoking, Threatening language, brief depictions of violence
It's been a week since Barty and I slept together, and the past week has gone something like this:
Barty woke up the morning after the first time and moved to Evan's bed without a word, muttering apologies into Evan's pillow and crying until he fell asleep.
After that day, the days went pretty similarly, he wouldn't speak to me in the day, then in the evenings we would sit on the windowsill and smoke together, sometimes having conversations, sometimes sitting in comfortable silence. Either way, it always ended up with him kissing me and us ending up having sex before falling asleep together, and then in the mornings he would repeat the whole routine by getting out of bed without a word.
Except this morning.
This morning he doesn't get out of my bed.
This morning he lays on his side staring at me softly, raking a hand through my hair.
For a split second I mistake him for James.
"Morning" He says, his voice raspy, it's extremely attractive.
"Morning" I reply.
"I've missed waking up next to someone" Barty admits
"I know, that's why I'm here" I reply softly.
He dips his head and kisses me.
I expect it now, which is odd.
I never had this sort of intimacy with Barty, and I never expected it to be a normality for me.
We aren't a couple, it's a casual thing, it's something he needs to help him heal, and it's something I want to let myself have.
It's still odd to me though.
"I want you" Barty says into my mouth
"Then have me" I reply as he slots himself between my legs.
His kiss deepens and it becomes rough.
Barty and I have had a fair bit of sex, but never has it been rough. It's always been gentle and intimate.
Never rough.
There's never any words exchanged, nothing said about love, no dirty talk, just moans and heavy breathing, we never tell each other we want one another, we just let things happen.
But this morning is different.
Barty kisses me like he's starving, like he's depraved and I crave more, I relish in it, I lean my head into him so he can consume me whole because I need him.
There's so much want, passion, desire and emotion in this heated kiss and I need more from it.
I become greedy when it comes to Barty I've discovered.
He presses into me, grinding his hips and whimpering in my mouth, begging for more, and silently I am too.
"Please, Regulus" He begs as he tries to drive his hips further into mine
"Have me" I say breathlessly "have me please" I continue with urgency.
He all but rips my boxers off as he tries to also take off his at the same time.
He enters me with no hesitation, no foreplay, just straight in, and it's what I want, what I need, it's what I relish.
There's no gentile touches, or softness, Barty fucks me hard and fast and it's something we both need.
He drags his teeth along my collar bone and leaves marks along my chest and I moan with every bite and every thrust, writhing under him, sputtering begs and pleas for him to keep going and he does.
When we finish he doesn't leave, he lays next to me and rests his head on my chest. I lazily drag my fingers through his hair as we both lay in silence, enjoying our post orgasm bliss.
Until our arms begin to burn, which makes both of us jump.
We exchange a look, neither of us needing to say a word, we both know what that means.
So we get dressed and leave the castle to find an apparition point so we can head to the latest Death Eater meeting.
We arrive in what seems to be an abandoned mansion.
The Dark Lord always needs somewhere fancy to do his bidding it seems.
Barty and I take seats opposite one another.
However, when I look across the table I see someone I recognise, someone I know most certainly is not, or at least should not be a Death Eater.
When I look across the table, I find Peter Pettigrew sat right next to Severus Snape.
That sneaky little bastard.
Instantly my guard is up, I decide to see how this pans out before I say anything, but Peter has no idea what's coming his way from me the moment this meeting is over.
"Thank you all for coming at such...short notice" The Dark Lord states with a tone that suggests he couldn't care less if we were dead in a ditch. "To start, I have a new member I wish to introduce you to. This is Peter Pettigrew, he is going to spy on the Order of the Phoenix with us to replace Arlo Reins" The Dark Lord continues.
I clench my jaw and struggle to maintain a stoic expression with the rage I feel bubbling up in me, not just at the 'replacement' of Arlo so soon after his death, but the fact that Peter is willing to betray his friends so openly, to betray James so openly, to betray Sirius so openly.
I don't react because I need to gather as much information as I can about this before I turn to James and tell him.
"Now, I must discuss the next attack" The Dark Lord presses on
"Peter here tells me that a Mr James Potter has started taking over meetings with the Order of the Phoenix that are being held in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. He also tells me that the latest spell they have been covering is that of the fiendfyre spell. This means that the Order is willing to learn and use offensive spells as well as defensive spells which means we may be faced with actual risks"
That fucker has told him everything and has mentioned James by name.
I will kill him.
He's going to be so sorry he ever met me when this meeting is over.
The meeting drags on with The Dark Lord talking about attack strategies and how the next attack is going to take place in Essex, but all I can do is think about how Peter is in for a world of trouble.
Finally, the meeting ends and I catch up to Peter who is standing outside alone.
"Mind if I have a word with you, Pettigrew?" I ask
"That depends on what you want to have a word about?" Asks Peter coldly.
I had no idea he had a personality trait other than being quiet, timid and pitied.
"Who the fuck do you think you are talking about James? Talking about the Order?" I ask
"Straight to the point then" Peter comments, sounding almost bored
"Answer the fucking question" I reply
"What I do is none of your business and if you want to stay in my good books you'd do well to remember that"
"You don't scare me, Pettigrew"
"And you don't scare me either, I owe you nothing"
I grab his chin so hard his jaw cracks and I shove him against the wall of the abandoned mansion, his eyes bulge with fear and he squirms under my hold, but I stomp down on his feet to hold him in place.
"Listen here you greasy little fuck, you had better hope that I don't catch you in one of these meetings again and you had better fucking pray I don't hear you utter James' name again because I have killed people before, Peter, and I have absolutely no opposition to making you my next victim, so how about you take a fucking moment to think about your next moves, they very well may be your last, do you understand?" I ask, threatening him through gritted teeth.
Peter sputters and breathes heavily as he tries and fails to wrestle his way out of my grip, but what he doesn't seem to understand is I have a very firm grip and he isn't escaping until I want him to. Eventually, he gives up on trying to get away and stiffly nods his head as best he can. I slowly lessen my grip on his chin and move my feet off of his, but before he can get away I punch him square  in the face.
"Fuck! What was that for?" He curses angrily
"That was for giving James' name away so fucking easily. Get out of my sight, you disgust me" I reply vehemently.
Peter quickly apparates and soon after, I do too.
Once I get back to Hogwarts I head into the Great Hall in time for the end of lunch and thankfully spot James.
"Hey, James, I need to talk to you" I say, trying hard not to sound urgent about the whole ordeal.
"Hey, Reg, take a seat, what's up?" Asks James
"No, I need to talk to you privately" I reply
"Oh, okay, sure thing. I'll catch you guys later" James says, saying bye to Remus and Sirius as he gets up to leave the Great Hall with me.
"What's this about, Reg?" James asks when I lead him into an empty classroom.
"Peter is a spy" I reply, getting straight to the point
"I beg your pardon?"
"I just got back from a Death Eater meeting and Peter was there, he was introduced as a spy, The Dark Lord says he's spying on the Order for the Death Eaters"
"That's ridiculous, Reg, Pete would never"
"Really? So there must be someone else in this school with the exact same name who looks exactly like Peter then"
"How do you know that he isn't doing this for the Order? Being a double agent like you are?"
"He gave The Dark Lord your name, James"
James falters and pauses for a moment, seemingly lost for words as he processes the information I've just fed him.
"He- but he wouldn't" James says quietly
"James, baby, I know you want to see the good in everyone, especially the ones you love, the ones closest to you, but I promise you I wouldn't lie about this. He told us about how you led the most recent Order Meeting, what spell you taught and he mentioned you by name" I reply
"No, he wouldn't do this by choice he- this has to be a mission of his or something, he would have to have been told to do that, he wouldn't do it of his own accord" James stutters quickly, trying so hard to find justifications for this situation, trying so hard not to believe the blinding truth about the fact that one of his best friends would do this to him.
"James" I warn softly
"No, Regulus, you don't understand, I can't accept that he did this on his own accord, I won't accept it. Pete has been my friend for years, he knows me well, he knows Remus and Sirius really well, he knows my parents really well and now you mean to tell me that Remus, Sirius and my parents are all at risk because of him? I can't accept that" James replies
"James, he's putting you in danger too" I remind him
"That doesn't matter, I don't care about me"
"I care about you, James, don't you dare say it doesn't matter because it does, it matters a great deal and it scares the living shit out of me knowing that you are now in active danger and there is nothing I can do about it"
"Regulus, I was never going to be safe"
"That's not the point, the point is now you're known by name, you are now actively in danger, you were in danger before but just as a general rule of thumb, everyone is in danger in war. But this? This is bigger than that, this is more serious than that, now people will seek you out to ensure you can't help the Order progress"
"Hey, look, I'm okay"
"I know, I'm just scared, James, I don't want to lose you"
"I know, love, but I'm here now, so let's make the most of what we have now, let's take advantage of the good we do have while we still have it"
"I love you" I say, resting my forehead on his chest
"I love you too" James replies, placing a kiss on the top of my head.


Hello there my lovelies!

Literally cannot believe this fic is a whole ass year old????? That's fucking insane, and loads of you are still here and reading so it must be good???
I'm so so thankful for all your love and support it's actually insane I adore you all!!
Okay so at the beginning of this chapter basically they were both allowing themselves to have what they want and that's healing!!! Also, Regulus and Barty are not a thing, it really is just a casual thing for them, they're essentially using each other as a distraction but also to heal so slay maybe?
Peter being a little fucktard and Regulus not standing for it.
Regulus defending James!!!!!!
Regulus warning James and James not wanting to believe the people he love could ever do anything wrong, he's so sweet I'm unwell.
Also, I think that a good song that pretty much represents all sexual relationships in this fic would be "Romanticise This" by James Marriott, idk, it just calls to me and reminds me of this fic. Other songs that remind me of this fic would be: "Waiting Room" by Phoebe Bridgers, "Don't Blame Me" by James Marriott, "IDGAF" by BoyWithUke, "Lies" by McFly, "Do Ya" by McFly "Drugs and Candy" by All Time Low and "idfc" by Black Bear.
I'm sure there's more but there are the main ones I think. I listen to a lot of music and tend to associate music with different things and this fic apparently was one of them.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day my loves!

Stay Wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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