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As Leonidas slides back. He continues to speak In a calm and gentle manner.

Leonidas: Only if you were like your father!

Tank would stop himself. Confused by the words of Leonidas. He zips at Leonidas grabbing him by the neck.

Tank: How the hell you know of my father Leonidas! (Yells in his face while choking him tighter) TELL ME NOWW!

Leonidas: You don't remember your past life? You are your father idiot. Your father gave you his body and abilities. Hades and the gods of Olympus spent billions of years trying to get your father's powers. He's (pauses for a sec) apologies You are now the only one who can basically do anything you want, Be anything you want.

Tank: So my father was someone who had extraordinary power? And the gods were. Wait are after me now because I have this same power?

Leonidas: No you have the exact same power. (Looks at the spear that's plugged into a building) if I was you I would run. Far and fast! (Summons spear)

Leonidas slapped Tank with his shield. Sending the Hero flying into a building.

Leonidas: I think it's time I call for help! (Starts to chant random words) The spartan warriors that has fallen thousands of years ago! Rise my children.

Tons of hands would shoot from out of the ground. Out comes skeletons with golden armor on. Some wielded. Swords others spears and daggers.

Tank picks himself up. Looking around he would see tons of dead spartan warriors.

Tank: What is this? He's gotta be kidding. I've only been an official hero for 10 minutes and all this chaos! I wish I was faster then blast maybe just then I could take out more than a handful.

Just as tank say this, many skeletons would make their way towards him. But seconds later a blue lightning bolt strikes Tank.

The energy of the Sonic force flow throughout his body. His eyes glowed blue again but this time with lightning striking out of its sides.

Many bystanders were stunned and amazed at Tanks power. Many cheering him on. Some people giving him the name Vengeful Flame.

The crowd of supporters: Vengeful Flame... Vengeful Flame. (Yelling and clapping)

Tank would fly directly into the army of skeletons. Seconds after impact. Tons of skeletons would fly into the sky.

A white and blue blur would be seen as Tank dispose of the skeletons within seconds.

Placing his attention back on Leonidas Tank would slowly fly towards him.

Tank: It's seems like you're right. I can be anything I want. (Gets in a running position) I think Hades will have to die.

Leonidas: Honestly if you kill Hades you will be the most honored hero of all time. (Calls for his spear) But we both know that's impossible.

Tank would zip towards Leonidas. Everyone and every single thing slows down. Tank is zipping around Leonidas punching him thousands of times.

Leonidas body slowly lifts off the ground before Tank completely loses control and blasts his head completely off with his Heat Ray Vision...

TANK UNLOCKEDWhere stories live. Discover now