no-one hears me

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I write words,

Then I delete them,

I say words

No-body heard

In a room

Full of lively people

I don't belong.

And does it sound pretentious

And fake

To say I hate everything about this place?

Including my invisible voice

And my angry face?

Uninviting, spiteful

But scared inside and foolishly hopeful?

Running down lanes in my mind,

Trying to find something worth someone else's time

But I find nothing.

So I write words

And then I delete them;

even if I screamed desperate pleas,

No one would hear it

And my throat kills any hope

That i had - that just maybe

My words would flow like a river,

But they're blocked by the rocks,

Where's my self esteem?

I need her here with me

Or else I'll die way too quick

And quietly

And there are those with fields of money

And daddy's good name

And professionals that they already know,

They've tied their necks with strings of gold

I've got my threadbare lost hope

And I'm terribly jealous that it's so easy

And I hate that about me

Can't I just count my blessings, be happy?

They've get their life laid out,

What rich opportunities

I want it so desperately

And I don't care for lessons

Life is teaching me.

I've learned that you get nowhere,

When you're the world's weeds.

Tulips, sunflowers, roses galore

Each time I see their gleaming colour

I just want it more.

And I don't care for character building,

I've had enough of the struggle and the climb,

Take me there overnight.

God, let me wake up

In my wildest dreams

Let him be with me,

Let my mother rest and let her wear the most expensive dresses,

And give my father good health

And give my sister a strong heart, shield her so she doesn't find

Life's cruelties like I did,

In the most wretched places

I once thought were heavenly.

And most importantly

When I open my eyes,

Don't let me think

"Is today even worth it?

There's nothing to write"

Don't let me type words

Just to delete them

Just because no-one hears them

No one hears me.

No one hears me

No one can hear,

I'm right here,

But no one hears me.

No one here

Hears my screams,

Hears my words

What am I worth?

No one here

Knows me

You are my one and only,

The only one who sees me.

Keeping me from driving myself insane,

From planting evil seeds in my brain

You save me, but still it doesn't change

How I'm bleeding words

No-one reads

No-one hears me.

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