Official Boyfriend

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Mordecai's POV

When we kissed I never wanted to stop! If I could I would stay in this exact moment forever I would but sadly I had to breathe. We pulled away at the same time and he looked at me with those big brown eyes, they were full of love and compassion which was rare for Rigby. At that moment I knew I needed to ask him to be my official boyfriend, he's the only person I want or need and I don't wanna mess that up by having a weird unofficial romance, he needed to be mine. For a few seconds the room was filed with a dead silence...but not an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence, a silence where we just sat and enjoyed each others presence. After mentally preparing myself I finally found the words I wanted to say to him "Hey rigs? Can I ask you something?" He looked at me like I just asked the most obvious question in the whole world. "Of course Mordecai, what's up??" My whole body was shaky, I was never good at asking anyone out but I knew I had to do this. "I know I don't deserve this considering I ran out on you this morning and I feel awful about that but I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my official boyfriend?" I wanted to say more but with every word I spoke it felt like my throat was closing in more and more. I just don't know what I would do if he said no. He said he loves me so he won't reject me... right?? "Oh my gosh yes Mordecai!! Do you understand how long I've been waiting to hear those words??" and then he jumped into my arms and gave me the best hug I ever received! Having his tiny fragile arms around me gave me the warmest feeling, like when your freezing cold in the winter and then you step into your warm and cozy house. I just smiled down at him, I finally found my missing puzzle piece and the funny thing was he was right in front of me the whole time.

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