Mission Accomplished

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Mordecai's POV
I run out the door to greet everyone after I give Rigby one last kiss, Benson walked in the house looking for something to yell about like he always does. His face looked like he was almost in pain when he couldn't find something to yell at Rigby and I for. That dude has some serious issues. Muscle man came in the house yelling and high five ghost was right by him, nothing new there. The only people that actually bothered to talk to me were skips and pops. Finally I see my prince walk down the stairs, and I swear every time I lay eyes on him it's like falling in love all over again. Rigby just gave me a weird look and I was confused for like 10 seconds until I realized how I was staring at him, but I couldn't help it! When I look at him my eyes soften, my breathe seems to slow down, my heart goes 100000 times faster, and he's all I can see. I always thought butterflies were for girls in high school on their first date but now I completely understand. It's almost impossible not to feel butterflies in my stomach when Rigby does anything really. When he talks, walks, gives that adorable look when he's angry or confused, anything! Thankfully no one seemed to notice, except skips. He just looked at me with very skeptical eyes.
Time skip to Night
Finally the day is over and I can just cuddle and kiss Rigby as much as I want. "Hey babe do you think anyone noticed something different about us?" He asked with that voice that is like music to me. "No sweetie, I think we played it off quite well." I could tell he was still kinda nervous. "Hey love if you don't mind me asking what are you so afraid of? Cause this isn't your nightmare babe, I would never choose this stupid job over you. I would never choose anything in this whole wide world over you." I said. "Mordecai it's not that, I know you wouldn't do that to me, just like I would never do that to you cause that's what people do when they're in love but some of the people here aren't so loving or caring. I just don't want to ruin anything for you or me, I'm just nervous of not being accepted." I could see his eyes start to water. "Rigs don't worry about it, ok? When we do come out I won't let anyone hurt you, but in the meantime no one knows and we did a great acting job so mission accomplished?" He just smiled "Mission accomplished." He kissed me on the lips "Good night Mordo." Ugh not that nickname again, but this time I find it kinda cute, but only when he says it. "Good night my prince."

Authors note: Sorry if this chapter was bad but it was just a filler. I'm gonna update this story more frequently now, so like at least once every 3 days is my goal. Thanks for reading :) Hope you like it so far

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