Coming Out

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Mordecai's POV
Today's the day, the day that Rigby and I will have to tell everyone about our unconditional love for each other. I look at him wrapped in my arms, how did I live so long without him? I check the time and it's only 6:30 and the "coming out party" as benson likes to call it is at 8. Pretty early in the morning but he wants everyone to get straight to work afterwards. Nerves start to overcome me as I think about muscle mans reaction. I've heard him say the word faggot quite a few times, such an evil word filled with so much hatred. I don't know what his problem is but Rigby and I never liked him. He always would make fun of us for being gay for each other even when we weren't together so what's he gonna say when he finds out he was right all along? Right when I was starting to get really worked up and stressed about the whole thing I looked at him and all the waves of fear and nervousness faded away. No matter how hard this is for me I have to put on a brave face for my Rigby and no matter what I'll always have him and he's the only thing that even really matters to me. He's my world and I knew I needed to be his rock in this situation. Before I knew it my eyes were drooping closed and the last thing I felt before drifting off was Rigby's slim yet pretty muscular figure curled up next to me.
Time skip to 8
"HOUSE MEETING!!!" I heard benson scream from all the way downstairs. Of course I heard it, the people in China probably heard him. I look over and Rigby is halfway awake, I always thought he looked extra adorable when he was just waking up in the morning. His beautiful hazel eyes struggling to stay awake with the peaceful facial expression he makes while he's sleeping still plastered on his face, completely irresistible! "Good morning sunshine. It's time for Bensons house meeting." I said with emphasis on "house meeting." I expected to see nervousness or even fear in his eyes but instead he was completely content. "Alright baby, let's go!" He said with a bit of a chuckle and he dragged me down the stairs. Looks like he's taking this quite well after all!
At the "House Meeting"
"You guys are probably wondering why I called you all down here today." Benson said. Murmurs of agreement spread throughout everyone who lived in the house besides Mordecai and Rigby. "Is someone getting fired?!?" Muscle man screamed rather obnoxiously to Benson. "No muscle man no one is getting fired, at least not today anyway." He replied slightly annoyed. Pops started to say his guess on why he thought this meeting was taking place until benson cut him off. "If everyone would stop trying to guess and just let me talk this will go by skit faster! Now I called this meeting because Mordecai and Rigby have something to tell all of you. Come on up guys." I walked up with Rigby trailing close behind me, all eyes were on us and I felt a little uncomfortable. I looked at Rigby and just like before he looked as cool and collected as ever. I opened up my mouth to talk guessing that Rigby wouldn't want to but right when the words were about to spill out I heard the sweet silky voice of my boyfriend to explain what's happening to everyone. "Well your all here for a simple reason, and that reason is love. While all of you were away Mordecai and I have discovered that we are soul mates. I've never felt happier then this man makes me feel( He said pointing at me) and I wouldn't trade this love for anything in the entire world. Weather we loose friends, or if any of you look at us differently. At first I was so nervous to tell all of you this but yesterday when benson found out I realized it's not that big of a deal. It's just a boy loving another boy and if you can't accept that then your shallow. And for anyone who accepts us I can't thank you enough for the support." I couldn't help it I just kissed him right there in front of everyone. Everyone clapped and congratulated us besides one person, and that person was muscle man who just sat there with a scowl on his face.

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