Chapter 90- Wild

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Alastors POV:

"Uhh sure you can come in." Tommy spoke hesitantly with a snobbish fake grin.

"You have a wonderful house!"I stepped inside with my hands held behind my back, hiding a small syringe filled with a strong tranquilizer inside. I wore a wide psychotic smile on my face, which i could tell made Tommy uneasy.

"Now get to the point, what happened?" He sighed, closing the door behind us.

When Tommy's back was turned I slammed the needle deep into the side of his neck.

"What the fuuu-u-cc-k" His speech was slurred and he collapsed onto the floor, grabbing my ankles in effort to get me. I just stared down at him with a menacing grin, amused at his attempts to resist the drug.

"How does it feel? Do you feel death crawling to your mind? Dont worry, im not going to kill you!..." I shrug as he struggled beneath me.



~small time skip~

"NIFTY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" You demanded sternly at Nifty as she balanced on the tip of her toes on the top shelf in the kitchen, trying to reach a spider hanging off its web in the corner.

This child- I mean woman is going to give me a heart attack I swear. I keep forgetting she's 20, she acts like a wild animal sometimes.

"Nifty!"You shouted and she narrowed her eyes, ignoring you.

"Alright that's it!" You huffed and crawled on-top of the counter, pulling Nifty down by her leg and catching her.

"There are smarter and less Dangerous ways to do stuff Nifty!" You harshly spoke and she grinned up at you.

I feel like a parent telling their child off, this is so strange.

There was a sudden sound of a spluttering car outside and gravel being roughly moved.

"It's Alastor! He has the bad boy hehehehe" She laughed manically and you looked at her extremely concerned.

She is terrifyingly unhinged.


Alastor slammed the front door open, kicking it with his foot and dragging an unconscious body of a man.

That must be Tommy.

"Any trouble?" You asked watching him

"Huh?" Alastor looked up confused, pausing for a second. "Ohhh, no no. Nobody was around, I was careful. I've been thinking this out for quite some time it's exhilarating when all your plans come together. I haven't had fun like this for quite some time..." He continued to drag the body towards the basement.

"...Nifty, could you open the basement door."

She dashed over, jumping around and holding the door open for Alastor.

"Are you coming y/n?" Alastor glanced up at you, chucking the body down the concrete stairs.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hmm...well I've been reading about old, brutal European torture methods and one has peaked my interest!" He beamed, adjusting his monocle.

He really suits that monocle, it's like it was made for him...

"I don't want to know all the details but does it involve bugs. I really don't wanna see that."

Frozen hearts (human alastor x reader) COMPLETE!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें