Chapter Sixteen

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Let's just say that I could barely walk the next morning.

Was it one-hundred-percent because Whiskey does an excellent job as always? Yes. Absolutely. But just because Whiskey can perform well doesn't mean I love him solely for that. No...I love him for a multitude of reasons. In fact, the list for all the reasons why I love Whiskey is never-ending. There's simply too many reasons.

For one, his personality is just—wow!

Whiskey is a man whose mastery in putting his girlfriend's needs before his own is completely unmatched. Not once has he put his own needs before mine, and to me—that's definitely one of the key factors in this relationship. He cares about me a whole damn lot, and I do the same to him. In fact, I think he cares more about me and my well-being than he does with his own.

And another thing...Whiskey is always—always—a man of his word.

He's not the type of man to go back on his word like a jackass. He's the type who'd walk through fire just to make his girl happy, and so far, he's done a helluva job at that. I'd walk through fire for him just because he's doing that for me. He's the type of man that every girl would dream of being with. And I'm damn lucky that God managed to bless me with such an angel.

Damn right he's my angel. My guardian angel.

He saved me when I was at my lowest in life. I was still struggling with my twin's death, and I was struggling with getting back in touch with reality. At the time, I was battling—and struggling against—my darkest demons, and they almost won. I almost killed myself because I couldn't handle Devin's death. I was struggling to keep my head afloat.

Then, I got the job at the Statesman, and my life changed completely...and it's all thanks to Whiskey. Had we not met when we did, then I probably wouldn't be here anymore.

I was keeping in my mind my gratitude to Whiskey early this morning. Whiskey was still fast asleep when I woke up, so I decided to take this time to myself. You know, take a look out at The Strip and just—just take it all in. I hadn't been able to do such a thing in a long time. I've gotten so caught up in the chaos that I haven't been able to slow down and take anything in. It seems like life is flying by too damn fast, and it's all because I'm getting swept up in a wild goose chase of a war against Balor Devlin.

That's why I stepped out onto the balcony of our suite, taking in the sights of The Strip in the early morning. Even though the sun was barely peeking over the horizon, it was still dark enough that all the glorious lights were still illuminated. Just the sights calmed me down a whole lot, and seeing them made me slip away from all the chaos I was wrapped up in.

Why can't every day be like this? I thought to myself.

I guess I can't enjoy much peace in the field I work in.

Right when I was still taking in the views, I suddenly felt a pair of big, muscular arms wrap tightly around my waist. Right away, I knew that those arms belonged to Whiskey. I mean, who else would those arms be?

"There you are," he said cheerfully, placing a slew of relatively soft kisses along the right side of my neck. "What are you doin' up?"

I had to stop my fit of uncontrollable giggling to answer. "Well, I had to take in the Vegas views. I don't get this type of peace too often."

"Neither do I," Whiskey added, "but at least I get a bit of a glimpse of it with you."

"Shucks, Whiskey! You sure know how to make me blush," I said while my cheeks turned into a bright-red color.

"Oh, please. You were blushin' a lot more last night," Whiskey added. "You were more red than the ripest, juiciest red tomato. I swear to Christ!"

I raised my left eyebrow in curiosity. "Was this before or after I screamed your name for the entire Strip to hear?"

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