Chapter 91- Bird

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Warning: gore.

Alastors pov;

Tommy was hung up by hooks that pierced into his wrists, his painful cries were like music to my ears.

The hooks were slowly being pulled through his flesh from his weight but stopped at his wrist bone. Nifty was poking at his new, deep wounds which made him screech out in even more pain.

"Nifty dear, I love your enthusiasm but you need to stop. I need to concentrate..." Nifty nodded and pulled away.

"...and YOU need to stop pathetically screaming. We are miles away from any civilization." I chuckled, trailing my finger along a serrated blade laid on the table next to me.

"Also, If you try to escape you will get lost and shrivel up and die in the bayou. Which is a far more boring way to go out, don't you think?" I put my hand on my hip and smirked at his petrified expression.

"Now hush I need to read something." I stuffed a dirty cloth in his mouth to suppress his annoying blabbering voice. I started to read the book I left down here to freshen my memory on what I wanted to do.

Hmm...cracked ribs...flayed? ...salt?

"Nifty, could you fetch me some salt." I asked politely and she eagerly nodded up at me, skipping hastily up the stairs.

I really like nifty. I view her as my strange, rabid child. I've grown attached to her wonderful, electric presence now. We are like a little family.

I was pacing around the room, thinking about how I was going to perform this old Viking torture method I read about. "Now Tommy-"

"It's Mr Greyson to you." He spat out the cloth, interrupting me.

"I don't think you are in a position to intimidate me or think you are better than me. I can call you what ever I want." I snapped, narrowing my eyes and slamming the book closed.

"Are you are going to kill me?" Tommy muttered.

"I knew you were lacking a few brain cells, but come on...look around you fool. Do you think we are having a fucking tea party right now?" My accent slipped out a little, growing up I tried to speak more 'properly', It took me a while to get the hang of it.

"You fucking cun-" Before he was going to utter the last word, my hand crunched around his jaw. My nails dug into his face so hard that it caused him to bleed.

"Ah ah ah quiet. I despise that vile word it's so harsh for no reason." I was trying so hard to resist killing him right now but I wanted him to suffer.

I could just snap his neck...but where's the fun in that?

"" He chocked.

"I'm not that desperate and you sure as hell ain't that lucky." I chuckled and pushed his head back roughly, letting go of my grip around his jaw.

"I have a theory that you will be begging to die in a few hours...or minutes haha." I picked up the blade off the table and twirled it around between my fingers, slowly approaching him with a cruel grin."...I think we should find out if my prediction is true."

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