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She looked at him. Then the elevator doors. She could make it out. She could dash for it. But who would that help?

The doors shut and a ping was heard. The opportunity was gone. The elevator ascended the last floor up despite her feeling of descending. Zo would face her internet acquaintance. Most importantly, she owed her boss an explanation.

She cleared her throat. "Yes. I was on my way to meet you, CEO Scott, I presume."

They weren't introduced but who else had the power to change the dress code?

Scott extended his hand toward her. A deadly smile grazed his face. It was unsettling. He would enjoy punishing her it appeared.

"You presume correctly. I apologize for our interaction the other day." Zo hesitated but reluctantly shook his hand.

The contact felt too real. It's like her hand touched fire. She was willingly burning herself and that was wrong.

Zo gave another smile but it didn't match the quiver of her eyes. She was frightened yet wouldn't overly show it. "My fault for being ill-informed. I apologize."

"I do admit it's a rather odd requirement. Your viewpoint was refreshing."

The elevator pinged and the doors opened. Scott motioned her forward and she strode out. They walked in silence for a few before the nerves ate at her.

She quickly turned and stood in front of him. "May I ask if this could wait for tomorrow? I had plans with my family. They require my assistance."

Scott crossed his arms. "I pegged you as something different. Perhaps I was wrong of you. I had thought of you as a hard worker."

Zo raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying that I am not?" She allowed her smile to linger.

"Someone eager to go home instead of waiting to listen to their superior's proposition surely has other priorities." Scott eyed her down again.  This time he returned the smile. It was discerning. He would use the same tactics as her.

"Work hours are from 8 to 5. I get paid for these hours. Despite my will to excel in my new job, my family takes priority. It is for them who I work hard for." Zo stared him down.

Scott made no efforts to interrupt her but with each word, his smile faltered.

"I presume because you are well off and in charge that you aren't used to the realities of your employees. But labeling one as inefficient because they have responsibilities out of office hours seems rather careless on your part."

Her smile never left but it dimmed. Zo shouldn't be telling him off again. Especially while she was at fault yet she wouldn't let him label her as a bum. She had worked hard her entire life.

Scott kept quiet. He uncrossed his arms. She had done it now.

His voice made her jump slightly. "It seems like I owe you more than one apology today. I did not mean to insult you. You may leave and we can discuss the issue at hand tomorrow."

Zo's heart raced a thousand beats per minute. She rushed quickly. She nodded in thanks before heading back to the elevator.

She pressed the buttons furiously. Her exit was all she could think about. She didn't even realize he followed her and stood right outside the elevator's doors as they began to shut.

She had gone pale, especially as his eyes targeted her with such scrutiny. He was studying her. "We will speak later, Zo," a smirk formed while her smile fell.

The nickname was a stinging revelation that her cover had indeed been blown.

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