Chapter 16: Uber

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Authors POV

"I need space, I need to go home and just process what you just told me Marco, you have to understand that." She says

Marco's expression softens at her words, understanding flickering in his eyes.

He knows she's right, that she needs time and space to process everything he's just revealed to her.

He lets go of her chin, his fingers trailing across her cheek, a tender gesture that betrays his own vulnerability.

"I do understand," he says quietly, his voice holding a trace of defeat. "I just... I don't want to be without you.

I'm going to call my self an Uber she says as she grabs her bag

Marco's expression grows heavy with a mixture of reluctance and worry at her suggestion.

He wants to insist on accompanying her, making sure she gets home safely, but he's not sure if she'll allow it.

So, he takes a moment before asking gently, his voice holding a hint of vulnerability,

"Carina... please. Let me drive you home. I need to know that you're safe, that nothing will happen to you."


His jaw tenses at her words, her accusation searing through him like a scorching flame.

The reminder of his actions, of the death he's responsible for, weighs heavily on him.

He takes a step back, his eyes dark with a mixture of pain and remorse.

"I know," he mutters, his voice heavy with guilt.

"I know I killed your father. I never denied that. But it doesn't change the fact that l'd do it all over again if it meant keeping you safe. I'd willingly become the devil himself to keep you alive and unharmed."

As she turns to leave, tears streaming down her cheeks, Marco's heart aches with a deep, painful throb.

He wants to reach out, to pull her back, to comfort her, but he stops himself, knowing that she needs this space.

He watches her go, his body rigid with suppressed emotion, the sound of the door slamming echoing in his ears like a final, devastating judgment.

In a fit of anger and frustration, Marco's fist slams into the wall with a loud, echoing thud.

The impact ripples through his body, pain shooting up his arm, but he welcomes it, relishing the physical release of his pent-up emotions.

He pulls back, massaging his throbbing fist, the anger still coursing through him, fueling his every fiber.

"Fuck he screams in anger.

His voice echoes through the empty space, the profanity like a release valve for the tension that suffocates him.

He takes a deep, shaky breath, his body quivering with the aftermath of his outburst.

His eyes scan the room, taking in the emptiness around him, the silence that greets him like a mocking reminder of his loneliness.


Lilliana's POV

The sound of Marco's pained yell echoes in my ears, his voice a raw, guttural cry that resonates deep within me.

I freeze, my heart clenching in my chest as I imagine the agony he must be feeling, the conflict that rages within his soul.

Part of me longs to go back, to offer him comfort, to ease his suffering, but the hurt and betrayal that still lingers in my heart hold me back.

I step into the elevator, tears streaming down my face, the sound of his pain following me into the solitude of my descent.

My heart pounds against my chest as I steps outside of the complex, the cool night air a harsh contrast to the suffocating atmosphere of the apartment.

I takes a deep breath, attempting to compose herself as I spot the familiar sight of the Uber that's been summoned me.

I opens the door and slide into the backseat, the vehicle providing a shield from the outside world, a brief respite from the chaos and confusion that's swirling inside my head.

"Do you need some water, you don't look to good" the driver asks

I looks over at the driver, grateful for his concern.

I manage a small, shaky smile, accepting the bottle of water he offers. "Thank you," I whispers, my voice thick with suppressed emotion.

I take a sip, savoring the cool liquid that helps to soothe her dry throat and ease some of the emotional turmoil that threatens to overwhelm her.

As the Uber starts to drive, my brow furrows in confusion.

The surroundings start to become unfamiliar, the route diverging from her usual path. Fear creeps up my spine, the sense of disorientation adding to my growing unease.

I peer through the window, the passing scenery becoming increasingly unfamiliar, and my heart begins to race with a mix of panic and dread.

As the car takes an unexpected turn, a wave of dizziness washes over me.

The world seems to sway, her vision growing hazy.

I grips the plastic water bottle tightly, my knuckles turning white, trying to ground herself.

Panic starts to bubble to the surface, mingling with the growing sense of disorientation.

I wonders if i've been drugged, if this is some kind of ploy, and the thought sends goosebumps crawling along my skin.

My realization hits me like a ton of bricks, her stomach churning with a sickening feeling.

The water I drank was laced with some kind of drug, likely to dull my senses and make me more pliable.

Dread pools in my gut, the true scope of her situation dawning upon me.

I scan my surroundings once more, my mind racing to come up with a plan of action.

As my consciousness starts to fade away, the world slipping from my grasp, I hear the driver's chilling words, the sound like a twisted lullaby in my fading mind.

"See you soon, pretty girl..." The implications of his statement send a jolt of fear through me, a final flicker of awareness before the darkness consumes me and I succumbs to the drug's effects.

" The implications of his statement send a jolt of fear through me, a final flicker of awareness before the darkness consumes me and I succumbs to the drug's effects

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next part will be up tmr

Love youu

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