chapter 9

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The next morning, Angel and Husk woke up with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. Today was the day they would start putting their wedding plans into action. After a quick breakfast with their friends, they decided to head out into the city to look for the perfect venue for their ceremony and reception.

Their first stop was an elegant ballroom known for hosting some of the most extravagant events in Hell. As they stepped inside, the grand chandeliers and opulent décor took their breath away. Angel immediately began to imagine how the space could be transformed for their special day.

"This place is gorgeous," Angel said, turning to Husk with a bright smile. "Can you picture us getting married here?"

Husk nodded, taking in the lavish surroundings. "It's definitely something. But let's see a few more places before we decide."

They spent the next few hours touring various venues, from luxurious hotels to intimate gardens. Each place had its own unique charm, but none felt quite right. As the day wore on, they began to feel a bit disheartened, wondering if they would ever find the perfect spot.

Finally, as the sun began to set, they found themselves standing outside a small, charming chapel on the outskirts of the city. The building had a quaint, timeless beauty to it, with ivy climbing up its stone walls and stained-glass windows that cast colorful patterns on the ground.

"How about we take a look inside?" Husk suggested, sensing Angel's fatigue.

As they stepped through the doors, a sense of calm washed over them. The interior was simple yet elegant, with wooden pews and a beautiful altar adorned with flowers. Angel could almost hear the echoes of a joyful celebration, the laughter of their friends, and the music filling the air.

"This is it," Angel whispered, his eyes shining with excitement. "This is where I want to marry you."

Husk smiled, wrapping an arm around Angel's shoulders. "I couldn't agree more."

With the venue decided, they returned to the hotel to share the news with their friends. The excitement was palpable as they gathered in the common area, discussing the next steps and how they would bring their vision to life.

Charlie, ever the optimist, offered to help with the decorations, while Vaggie volunteered to handle the guest list. Alastor, with his flair for the dramatic, insisted on arranging the entertainment, promising a night no one would forget.

As the days passed, the preparations for the wedding began to take shape. Angel and Husk worked tirelessly alongside their friends, turning the quaint chapel into a magical setting for their special day. They spent evenings crafting decorations, sampling cakes, and picking out the perfect outfits.

The night before the wedding, Angel and Husk found themselves alone on the hotel rooftop, looking out over the city they had come to call home. The stars sparkled above them, reflecting the excitement and anticipation in their hearts.

"Can you believe it?" Angel said softly, leaning against Husk. "Tomorrow, we'll be married."

Husk smiled, pressing a kiss to Angel's temple. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would guide them through. The next day would mark the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.

And as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, they felt ready to face whatever the future held, together.

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