Chapter 9

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Ayden's POV:

I just stared at my best friend laying limply in the hospital bed, I then looked at the clock hanging above him It was currently 8:47 so that means I've been sitting here for the past two hours. I don't even know what the hell happened I was just sitting in my car waiting for Lucian but then got a call from Ashley  saying Lucian was in trouble and when I got there I just seen him laying on the floor with his eyes rolled to the back of his head, I asked Ashley what happened but she just told me he was like that when she got there.

Wait a minute.. But why would she tell me that Lucian's in trouble? The Ashley I know would just ignore if there was something going on with him. Then something clicked in my mind, did Ashley have something to do with this? No no don't be silly Ayden.. Ashley isn't capable of murder and then again we don't even know what happened to him. He probably just had a heat stroke or something I mean it was pretty hot today..I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a small knock on the door revealing this quite tall doctor with jet black hair, he looked like he was in his late 20's. I rushed up to him nervously

"Did you guys figure out what's wrong with him?" I asked not really sure if I was ready for his response

"Well I think so but I need to ask you something." He said i gave him a curious look and nodded for him to continue"Do you know if he's allergic to anything?" I then looked at him confused and paused for a moment trying to remember all the things he's allergic too then I remembered he's deathly allergic to peanuts.

"Peanuts, I'm pretty sure." I said slowly "why?"

"Well it looks like your friend here just had an allergic reaction, did he have anything with peanuts in it?" Well I highly doubt it..I know for a fact that Lucian isn't that stupid to consume anything with peanuts in it so what the hell happened?

"I mean I don't know but I'm pretty sure he's aware of what and what not to eat." Before I could say something else I heard Lucian let out a groan I turned my head so fast the doctor probably thought I was possessed. I rushed towards him but couldn't bring myself to say anything, I just wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him everything was gonna be alright but I felt as if I got any closer he would just break.

"I'll let you guys have some time to yourselves." I heard his doctor say and exit the room

"So you gonna come give me a hug or what?" He said grinning at me playfully, I hurried and jumped onto the hospital bed and engulfed him into a hug earning a small chuckle out of him. After a couple of minutes i pulled back and laid my head in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent while he played with my hair.

"I thought I was gonna lose you." I mumbled quietly and he just rubbed my back trying to comfort me even though the one that really needs comforting right now is him "shit. I'm sorry I should be the one comforting you right now.." I said trying to pull away from him but he wouldn't let me go

"No it's alright, we can both comfort each other we both had a pretty shitty day today." He said kissing the top of my head I smiled but then I remembered the whole reason why he's here in the first place

"What even happened to you in the first place?" I said looking up at him I heard him sigh and he started to play with my hair absentmindedly

"You won't believe me." He said shifting uncomfortably

"Shoot." I said waiting for him to tell me I mean he's my best friend- supposedly boyfriend there's no reason to not believe who or what almost killed him.

"Well your girlfriend kissed me."

I couldn't tell if I was more surprised by the idea of Ashley kissing him or her having something to do with this. When he saw the confused look on my face he elaborated

"Well it started off when I was going to the restroom and when I got there she started flirting with me which I found pretty weird considering she's like head over heels for you and then I saw something under her tongue but I ignored it thinking it was a piece of gum or something. Then all of a sudden she kissed me and she forced something down my throat, I haven't had nuts in years but I immediately recognized the taste when she slipped it into my mouth All I remember after that is me hyperventilating on the floor and soon after I woke up laying in a hospital bed."

He finished, looking at me waiting for my response I didn't even know what to say..i know Ashley can get a little jealous sometimes but she tried to kill him? Seriously? I had so many questions..

".. How could she even know what you were allergic to?" I say dumbfounded he just shrugged at me

"Isn't her mom one of the nurses at the school?"
He asked staring at me I nodded slowly

"Well she probably was snooping around the student files and looked for my file  to see what I was allergic too, I wouldn't be surprised if she did because she's a pretty crazy bitch."

He said leaning back and sighing Jesus I really need to break up with her tomorrow.. Her not liking my best friend is one thing but trying to physically hurt him? Now that's where I cross the line. Lucian just stared at me for a moment until he spoke again

"And Im not sure if it's the brightest idea to try and break up with her tomorrow who knows what crazy shit she might do next." He said as if he could read my mind I groan and lay down on his chest

"Why does the world hate me so much?" I ask letting out another dramatic groan I felt Lucian's chest vibrate from laughter

"I'm pretty sure the world hates us both but hey at least we're in this together." He said trying to lighten me up I couldn't help but smile when he said this you know what maybe he's right.

Everything's gonna be alright.

I hope..



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