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"Oh hey" I said letting Ariah in my house.

She was mentioned in chapter 1

We fuck on and off but it's been a long time since I actually fucked her. I'm kind of over it now, and I'm not sexually intrigued or attracted to her anymore.

But she coo to kick it with.

"Hey, just stopping by" She said walking in and taking her coat off. "Where you been lately" She asked.

"Working at the store, making money" I said.

"And fucking around with that one girl that dresses like a dude." She said.

I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Mhm, I've been seeing you with her at the liquor store lately" She said.

I know she talking bout Xylo.

I chuckled.

"That's a friend of mine. We ain't fucking around and you don't get to question or assume anything" I said.

"Why not?" Ariah asked.

"Because you not my girl cuz." I said.

She rolled her eyes and said "I'm not going there with you today. Anyways, what's that you looking at?"

"Oh- It's a contract from my business manager about the store. He wants ownership for exchange of investing. I just can't find out where he's hiding how to fuck me over and take my money" I said.

"He's your business manager Roddy I'm sure he ain't tryna take yo money weirdo" Ariah said rolling her eyes.

"He used to be my dad's business manager and fucked him over, but my mom will never believe that. I'm just trying to figure this contract out. But I can't find out because I'm not a damn lawyer." I said.

"Why don't you get your lawyer to look at it?" She said sarcastically. "You just love this store so much." She added chuckling.

She always talked shit about me running the store with my family. I'm doing what I can till my rap career takes off.

"I don't have a lawyer. But... I do know somebody who's pursuing to be a lawyer and I think she'll help me." I said.

"Is it that girl that dresses like a dude?" Ariah asked sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up wit that. You don't know her like that cuz and she don't dress like a nigga, it's called streetwear." I said.

"Well you said she's pursuing to be a lawyer. Meaning she's not a lawyer yet, which also means she has no leverage to fuckin help you." Ariah said.

"Why you give a fuck?" I said.

"I don't." Ariah said. "And if you think for one minute that she can help you, you're crazy." She added.

"How about you get out of my house?" I said.

"Fuck you." Ariah said.

"Mhm." I said and she stormed out of my house slamming the door behind her.




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