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Ch¹⁰ why?

"Is that so?"
"Yes, my mother used to work for them. I'm saying young mistress. young master was not like this. Sadly his mother passed away. When he needed his father's affection, he ignored him due to his business. He thought of a second marriage to maintain his status and to give the young master the love of a mother. He married Mistress Jeon who was suffering from the same situation as Master Jeon. She was his secretary who he had feelings for. After all this, they married and young master Jungkook never got the love of parents he needed the most. Step is step. Though at first Mistress Jeon tried keeping a good, healthy relationship with young master Jungkook but eventually failed. I'm not very well known about young master Jungkook and young master Bae-young's relationship"
Y/n: oh, so Mr. Mafia King has a mommy issue. I see

She gave her review while staring at the flowers, her fingers brushing her chin with narrowed eyes. The maid laughed a bit while shaking her head and proceeded to water the other flowers but soon a maid came running to them and called out her young mistress name.

"Young mistress... Mistress Jeon has come to meet you"

The air is too thin to breathe. All the identical dresses figures has lines up at a side, lowering their head. It's been a few minutes but no words have been left out of the two prestigious women standing parallel to each other. Suddenly, the silence is broken when the woman in white channel dress chuckled as her bob hair shifted simultaneously.

"Won't you ask for water to your mother-in-law?"
"Miya, bring a glass of water for my mother-in-law" (she deliberately emphasized the last word but with a pinch of sarcasm)

The maid came back with a glass of water and offered the tray towards the oldest female Jeon. She smiles and accepts it but places the glass on the centre table.

Mrs. Jeon: Won't you ask your mother-in-law to sit?
Y/n: Miya, ask my mother-in-law to sit (she pressed both her arms against her chest and words left from her mouth with the same sarcasm)
Mrs. Jeon: it's fine, if you want to ignore me Y/n but I'm here on the behalf of my Bae-young. I sincerely apologise for this mistake. We weren't aware of this. If we had the slightest hint then this had never happened but it doesn't mean that Jungkook is innocent-
Y/n: I'm grateful that you took some time from your precious time but I can't waste my priceless to hear some rubbish about my husband. Thank you. You may leave.

She bowed in respect and turned to leave but stopped by her mother-in-law's words.

Mrs. Jeon: you will regret it late if you ignore this, y/n...

Time skip

The man of the house walks in and is greeted by identical dresses females and bodyguards. He gave his tuexod to a random maid and made his way upstairs to meet his dear wife.

He walked inside the room but brows furrowed after seeing no evidence of his wife. His eyes scanned around the room but found no other creature than the devil himself. He knocked on the bathroom door only to find it unlocked.

Finding no traces of his naughty wife, he immediately pulled out his phone to find her location but surprisingly, her location is in his mansion which leaves the man with a puzzled look. He walked down while calling all the servants and ordered them to look for their young mistress.


The angry man smashed his fist on the only door in the mansion which is locked and gives the accurate location of his wild wife. All the mansion caretakers gathered around the married man who is losing his temper because of his wife who is not responding.


He looked at the people gathered around him with his bloodshot eyes and popped out veins. The maids immediately left for the search for spare keys.

Jungkook: OPEN THE DOOR Y/N!! STOP JOKING AROUND!! what happened here?! (He looked at the guards who flinched with the sudden encounter. One of them opened his mouth)
"A few hours ago, Mistress Jeon came and after that the young mistress didn't step out of the room"
Jungkook: that witch

He mumbled and ran his fingers across his hair. The urge to kill someone on the spot and the pinch of unusual tension mixed with his current anger. He let out a deep breath and once again tried.

Jungkook: Y/n!! We can talk if you want but please open the door- (his words cut off when the noise of broken glass reached outside from the other side)

As soon as her mouth completed the sentence the door opened with a loud thump. She raised her head which was resting on the knees and found her angry husband and few guards peeking though her husband's muscled shoulders.

She reached her hand on the bed table to find someone to hit her husband but in a split of seconds he walked to her through the broken vase she threw and grabbed her hand. He throws her on his shoulders and she left throwing hands on him but fails to free herself.

He throws the figure on the bed and hovers over her while pinning her waist but his brows furrowed and an unknown feeling caged his heart when his eyes meet her messy hairs, moist face and tears in her eyes.

Y/n: what the fuck this humans around me think of me? Am I a toy? When you wished, you played and when done playing, threw her anywhere. First my parents, then Bae-young and now you. You were fucking knowing that Bae-young was cheating on me but still you let it go. Why didn't you told me? What's your problem?! What have I done to you? Just because of that shitty incident, you are ruining my life like a mad man! Why don't you let me breathe properly? Meeting you is the worst part of my life! I will fucking kill you Jeon Jungkook! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!

She wags her figure to free herself while tears rolled down her eyes. His grip loosens but he pulls her body closer to him and hugs her tightly. She screams while trying to free herself. She was told the saddest and most heartbreaking part of the story. Even though till now she showed her tough side despite her husband cheating on her.

But after she finds out that she could have ended her unequal relationship way before her giving her ex-husband character certificate. This man who is now her husband was around her. He could have given her the slightest hint about this but he didn't. She portrays a delusion that despite him being her bully, he helped her out from this when he gets to know that his brother was cheating.

But now she is feeling pity on herself for creating this heartbreaking delusion. How stupid of her to think that the man who held her at g*npoint is helping her? She is done with being played and used like a doll. She continued with her punching his rock solid chest to let her frustration.

Jungkook: I didn't married you because Bae-young was cheating. I married you because I want to. If telling you the truth makes it easy for you to survive then I will die rather than telling you the truth. I want you to suffer, Y/n. I will make you suffer for your deeds. I'm not the prince of your dreams. I'm the devil of your nightmares. You did wrong messing up with me. You made me go insane y/n. There is one part of me, telling me to destroy you completely but then there is this part which is given me unknown desire to cherish you. Fucking paint you with my marks. Kiss you fuck you. You can run away, ignore me, slap me, punch me, kill me but this (he placed his hand on her cheek and wiped the running warm transparent liquid) no. Don't. Don't let this run down your eyes. What you did to me Jeon Y/n? This feeling inside, after seeing your tears is eating me. This unknown feeling which I'm not liking. (He wipes the tears from her other side) I'm not liking that this tears are just because of him.
Y/n: I-it's not because of him. It's because of you. You are c-cruel selfish jerk Jeon Jungkook! I fucking hate you!
Jungkook: Hating me is your choice but having me is your fate. Fate which you can't erase.

I'm just soo bad at writing emotional drama 🙂 but don't worry, you will met with family drama in next part 😜

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