S I X T E E N (18+)

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              Ch¹⁶ Playing With Fire

"Yes, of course, Mr Jeon this project is one of the trusted projects in Germany. I guarantee you that you won't regret signing this contract."

The noise created between the base of the alcohol glass and the glass center table stopped the speaker from any further words. The center of attraction looks at the dealer who nervously laughs. But he didn't bother with any words, he got up and walked out of the private sector of the club.

"What rubbish he was speaking. Does he think he can fool me? I have been in this profession since he was wearing diapers"
"Haha, well so true. The next meeting is here. A few more clients are coming for the meeting"

He nodded at his hyung's words and sat on the semi-circular sofa which was attached to another private sector of the club. The one in which he is empty except for him and Taehyung but the other section which is separated by a thin net cloth is somewhat engaged with people.

He stares through the slight vision net and finds a few men talking among themselves until they all get up when someone comes to join them. He removed his glares but suddenly he felt someone puzzled.

He again shifted his head in that direction and focused on the people who took her seat. That's a very familiar figure. Her perfect figure was hugged by the red silk strip dress and the volume of her hair highlighted her face.

His brows narrow and gets up, unknowingly making his way toward the septum. His hand remains on the septum. He feels her before he sees her. The unexpected person in his life is sitting with her only friends and a few more unknown men.

"Ms Y/n we are delighted that you chose us for your work. So, how do we help you?"
Y/n: you seem nice. Well, I wanted to find this person (she passed the envelope to the man sitting parallel to her) I will be honest. No police were able to find him. I had consulted a few mafias like you before but they also failed. I will be in your debt if you find him.
"You might have misunderstood me but let me tell you. I was a former member of German mafias but after my daughter was killed by my enemy I left the mafia. Just because Miss Kim, I am willing to help you. Don't worry. If I fail, I will give you a guarantee that my King will help you"
Y/n: king? You left the mafias right?
"But still he is my King. He helped me with every possible, impossible way he could"
Y/n: oh, who is he?
"His identity is unknown but everyone knows him as JK"

Her lips parted and she immediately shook her head.

Y/n: n-no. Don't worry. I will manage.
"Why do you have to manage when you have your husband at your service, spicy honey?"

Fear rushed all over her body. She gulps before slowly turning her head around to find her husband digging holes in her body through his eyes. Everyone's attention went towards him.

Y/n: Jungkook? (She gets up alongside him walking in front of her)
Jungkook: I don't care if you mind or not but I'm taking my wife. (He grabs her wrist and pulls her out of the private sector)

Y/n: what are you doing here?
Jungkook: that's my question for you. Why are you doing here!?
Y/n: having fun- I mean was having fun with my besties until you came in.
Jungkook: Is that man also in your 'having fun with besties' stuff?
Y/n: that's none of your business.
Jungkook: your business is my business. First of all who let you here? Y/n: guess
Jungkook: you run away again. (Her lips stretched wide and she nodded in pride)
Y/n: yes, it was easy for me to seek out from the window of the bathroom. Luckily it was shifting time, so no one was there. Jennie was out waiting for me with Lisa. Hence- (she gasped when he pulled her close to him)
Jungkook: it's not something to describe like this wifey. You are getting bolder day by day. And leaving numerous reasons for me to fuck that cockyness out of you. (She struggles with his grip which causes him to chuckle) fucking wanna see you struggling like this spicy honey under me.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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