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Ch¹¹ why? P•2

The atmosphere is as silent as the library. Too loud breathing can be detected. A total of twelve identical wearing men are standing parallel in equal numbers. A simultaneous salute to the person who walked in. He nodded and signed them to stop while taking his seat.

As soon as he sits, his subordinates walk towards the projector and the screen shows many research on the infamous man of the country. JK. No picture of him but many blurry pictures and many fake ones.

"Even though till now because of Agent Min we successfully captured many men of this devil but none opened their mouth. They would rather die than telling anything. Such was their loyalty. They were perfectly brain washed. Such a demon in disguise. But still we are unable to get any traces of him"

He looks at all the Agent who were lowering their head in shame but soon one of them salute his senior while reporting his name.

"Sir, Agent Min reporting. We are shame that we are keeping failing but I give you my garantee that I, will catch that monster, I will serve you die or alive"
"I have many expectations for you. Don't disappoint me"
"I will never, sir..."

The cold wind slowly blows inside the room though the window where the devil itself is sitting beside on his wingback chair. He scroll though his phone and smirks. He sips his liquor. He eyes shifted towards the figure who was sleeping and is now shifting uncomfortable because of the wind directly hitting her. He places the drink on the ground and gets up to close the window.

She stops her actions and comfortably stays while unconsciously covering her body fully with the blanket. He stared at her silently. Such a woman he married. The whole mansion was upside down because of her. He sits beside her and carefully notices her every facial features. The eyelids which is covering her hazel eyes, her perfectly measured nose, the addictive lips which if he stares any longer, he will definitely loss control.

He slowly hooked her hair strips which was blocking her view and stroked her hair but suddenly some noise from outside once again made her furrowed her brows in sleep and shifted herself away from the noise. He clenched his jaw and gets up making his way outside.


Three odd one out people are here in the den of lion with their group of sheep. The lion is already knowledge of their presence but he stopped his men to interfere as he will 'personal' handle them.

"Lower down your volume. My wife is sleeping morons"

The man of the mansion said while making his way downstairs. He chuckled while looking at the angry faces.

Jungkook: what's that? My step-brother is missing me? (He smirks and sits on the sofa)
Bae-young: what the fuck you think of yourself Jungkook? Just because you have the excess you do what you want-
Mrs. Kim: where is my daughter-

The frustrated woman with her man speaks up between the Lion and the Fox but before she could complete her sentence she flinched when the Fox held her at gunpoint. Jungkook chuckles and get up.

Bae-young: when two people are talking then you should never interrupt them. No one taught you or what?

He looks at her with his bloodshot eyes and clearly visible anger. She is stunned by his sudden change in behaviour which she could never imagine. Seeing her disbelief face, he shifted his gun to the man who smirks by his move. But suddenly he is held by Jungkook's man at gunpoint, his brows furrowed and he looks behind to find his ex-wife's father shocked expression and endless dead bodies.

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