Chapter 93-Powder

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(A/N:I was going to write a smut chapter but my spicy writing was not the best, so I scrapped it. But yes...they did shaboink, Alastor was feral and very kinky (biting, scratching, pulling hair, choking.). Rip y/n.😭)

Nifty's POV:

I tried to sneak into Alastors and y/n's bedroom, I pulled the doorknob but it was useless. It seems they have locked the door.

They always lock their door at night, maybe to keep out the creatures that crawl around...

I keep my door open though...I like when they enter my room while sleeping hehe... it's a midnight snack!

Hmmm...How do I get in? ...OH! The window!

I rushed downstairs, opening the backdoor and searched for a way to climb up to their large bedroom window.

I saw a drainpipe leading close enough to the window, I started to climb speedily up it and shuffled along the wall, a few broken pieces of bricks under my feet dropped.

This is so exciting, I wonder if my legs would shatter if I fell from this height. 

I finally reached the bedroom window and clicked open the latch which made a high-pitched squeak. The maroon curtains were closed and ruffled as I scampered quietly inside.

Y/n and Alastor were asleep, holding each-other closely underneath the covers. Alastor's hair was all messy and he was sleeping in a funny pose and had red bruises around his neck. Y/n's hair looked tangled and frizzy, her head was on resting on Alastor's bare chest.

I've never seen Alastor all messy before he always looks tidy and put he cold? Why does he have bruises? Did y/n hurt him?

I creeped over to their bed and leaned over with the glowing green powder I tipped into my hand.

I hope you feel better y/n, I really like you.

As I put the powder under her nose, her body tensed up and she let out a loud sneeze which woke Alastor up.

"NIFTY?! W-what the fu- are you doing?" Y/n spoke, rubbing her nose roughly and repeatedly sneezing.

"I'm helping!" I beamed, tilting my head with a genuine smile.

"Nifty what is that?" Alastor Jolted up, holding the blanket up to cover his body and grabbed the vial out of my hand harshly, making me gasp.


"NIFTY!" He gripped my hand, lifting me up. He looked furious at me, frightened tears started to flow down my face.

"I was told to keep it a secret. She told me Y/n is unwell but didn't want to worry me!" I stuttered, looking into Alastor's terrifyingly angered expression.

"She?! Who's she?"

"Roo!" I sobbed, my breathing was broken and shocked.


...I-I am?

"...ANSWER ME." He tightened his grip around my arm and I started to shake in fear. I have never seen him this way before, I looked over at y/n panicking.

"Alastor! Stop! You are scaring her!"


"ALASTOR!" Y/n shouted sternly and he let go of me.

I fell to the floor on my knees, looking down at my rapidly shaking hands.

What did you do nifty?

Alastors POV:

I watched nifty franticly sprint off, I would chase after her but I need to talk to Roo immediately. I got up, wrapping myself in my gown and knelt down on the floor. I clawed at my arm, causing me to bleed and I started to draw out a pentagram with my blood on the wooden floor.

"आत्मानं दर्शयतु" I muttered with a sharp tone.

Roo appeared, glancing down at me with a wide smile.

"What did you do?" I looked up, furrowing my brows.

"You shouldn't get attached" Roo shrugged, snickering to herself. "I'm helping you. Love is fake. You should be thanking me."

"Leave me and my family alone." I demanded.

"Oh so they are your family now?" Roo rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"You said you would keep y/n safe! It was in our deal!" I shouted, standing up and looking directly into her vicious eyes.

"I didn't say that precisely~ I said What if I keep an eye on her? Make sure she doesn't get in trouble?" And she is causing me trouble." Roo smirked, slyly looking over at y/n sitting up in my bed.

"Tell me what you did to y/n." I yelled.

"Hmm...Nope, it would be less entertaining if I did haha! Have fun with y/n, try not to cry too much! Now stay smiling!" Roo pulled my mouth up in a bigger smile, which caused my face to sting with a sharp pain.

"You wouldn't want to break your mother's last words!" She slowly faded away with a cackle, leaving a creepy neon green smile carved into the floor beneath me.

How does she know that?

"Fuck!" I gripped my hair tightly, breathing rapidly with frustration and dread for what roo has done.

"Mon amour, do you feel okay?"


Hehehe, buckle up bitches because this story is going to get crazy.

Hehehe, buckle up bitches because this story is going to get crazy

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