Chapter Twenty.

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It was mostly a quiet day for Mariposa, she finally got the freedom to move around and did what she pleased without her parents or Sanguk breathing down her back. As much as she loved that they cared and wanted to take care of her, but after a while, she felt like she was being suffocated and it got overwhelming sometimes. She loved them all but she just wanted a little space, she wanted to be on her own for some time even if her troubling thoughts accompanied her when no one was around.

Cola rubbed his head against Mariposa's chin as she carried him around in her arms, she quietly walked through her family's house, her eyes skimmed the walls of the many pictures of her cousins, her grandma, and grandpa. She stopped at a picture of Mariposa and Mary when they were young. Mary was maybe five or six years old while Mary was eight, they both were in Cuba. Mary had her arm wrapped around Mariposa who had a big smile on her face.

They were very close when they were young and Mariposa always wondered as to what she did to make Mary feel a certain way towards her.

Mariposa heard a door open in the corridor and she froze as she held Cola in her arms. Mary came out of the room, she looked down the hallway at Mariposa then immediately opened her bedroom door, "Wait!" Mariposa exclaimed and Mary froze in her tracks. Mariposa walked a little closer, "Wait... I don't know why you have been avoiding me. I just want to talk," Mariposa said carefully and Mary shook her head, she looked away from Mariposa. "I can't," Mary mumbled and Mariposa's eyes furrowed at Mary, "Why can't you? You're the only person that I can talk to and would understand because you were there," Mariposa said quickly.

"But I wasn't there Mariposa," Mary sighed.

Mariposa paused and Mary turned around, her face had tears run down her face and the girl sniffled. "I wasn't there and I should have stayed with you, at least you wouldn't... be alone," Mary cried and Mariposa put Cola down, she walked closer to Mary and she wrapped her arms around Mary. Mary engulfed Mariposa in her embrace, she hugged her so tight that it hurt.

Mary sobbed as she hugged Mariposa, and the younger cousin rubbed Mary's back, "It's not your fault at all," Mariposa assured her and Mary shook her head, "It is," Mary sobbed and Mariposa rubbed her cousin's head, "It's not because I told you to go without me, I knew what was going to happen. You've been through enough, I'd rather it be me than you," Mariposa said and Mary sobbed even more, "How could you say such a thing?" Mary cried and Mariposa honestly didn't know why. But Mariposa meant it and as much it was terrible for her, if it was Mary then she wouldn't even have the strength to go through such turmoil.

"I'm sorry," Mariposa said.

Mary pulled back and she coughed, "I'm sorry that I haven't visited you. I was scared," Mary admitted. "When I came back, all I saw was your hair... blood and the police. I thought... that they killed you for a second. I was scared to see you in the hospital and how you didn't even want anyone to see you hurt worse. I was scared and I'm sorry," Mary said hysterically.

Mariposa nodded and she wiped Mary's face, "It's okay," Mariposa assured her.

Mary looked at Mariposa's hair and she reached out then rubbed the small curls that were on her head, Mariposa smiled and Mary sniffled, "How can you smile?" Mary asked and Mariposa shrugged, "I... have people who have been taking care of me, I have my family that loves me, I have Sangie and I'm alive so that's more than enough for me to smile. You know... some people don't even make it this far, and... I'm proud to say that I'm ready to take on anything," Mariposa explained and Mary wiped her face, "You know, you're a really good person and I was always jealous of you. Everyone always wants to be around you and I can... see why," Mary replied.

Mariposa fixed Mary's hair and she attempted to flatten the curls that popped from her ponytail, "You are the same... You're gorgeous and you're so far out, I wish I was as cool as you," Mariposa remarked and Mary clicked her tongue, "You're just saying that," Mary replied and Mariposa squeezed Mary's shoulders gently, "I mean it," Mariposa stated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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