Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1

My name is Rose. I have long brown hair, that cascades down below my body and deep blue eyes. I resemble my mother a lot, when she was my age, the only difference is my eyes. I have my fathers eyes. My brothers name is Fin. He has dirty blond hair, just like our father. Mother says Fin looks a lot like father, but like me, his eyes are different; he has mothers eyes. My parents, if you haven't figured out already, are Katniss and Peeta Mellark, they were the victors of the 74th hunger games. Mother was the Mockingjay in the revolution, and I'm proud to say she is my mother. My father, he got captured by the Capitol and he was hijacked. He still has the odd attack now and then, but he was recovered from something virtually impossible to recover from, and I'm proud of that as well. I'm 16 now and Fin is 12. Our home is the remains of district 12. It's come a long way after almost all of it got destroyed. The population is drastically smaller than what is was before the revolution. Some People didn't even return home, they have moved to other districts. Grandma lives in 4. I've heard a story about a person from 4. But I can see the pain my mother holds in when we speak of past events, so we have stopped bringing up the questions. Sometimes mum blanks out for days. I'm sure she is thinking about aunt Prim. She named me after her. Her full name was Primrose. She was Prim and now I'm Rose. I know little about her death. All I know is that she was pretty and young. I'm sure Fin was named after the person from district 4. Everything has been going good in life so far. After the revolution of course. I understand that mum and dad lost so many people they were close to as well. I have a question that I'm afraid to ask. Well a few really. But I think it would hurt mum and dad. They are: what was the games? What was grandma like? What happened to dads parents and did he have siblings? Who was mums father? How did aunt Prim die? Who's the person from district 4? Why did grandma move? And who is the boy in some of the pictures I sometimes see, what part did he play in your life? One day I will ask these questions, just not today.

My name is Rose Mellark. ( hunger games fan Fic, Katniss & Peeta's daughter )Where stories live. Discover now