Chapter 5

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"What, how do you know gale, rose. Why did you make something like that up" she asked me angrily. "Mum I didn't make anything up he just phoned there and said he was coming because we are in danger." I didn't need to explain more because as soon as I had finished a hovercraft lowered a ladder and a tall dark haired man climbs out and walks over to us. Without words mum runs over and hugs him. He must be gale. "I'm so sorry Katniss, about prim about leaving. I just couldn't stand to see you in pain and after my bombs hit the ground and then prim came along. I didn't expect her to be their. After they grabbed me I didn't know what to do as I gave peeta my pill and you didn't hear me say shoot. They were about to do something then all we heard was explosions, I'm so sorry Katniss"

His speech makes us all speechless. That's why he moved to 2.

"Gale I know your sorry, and I'm sorry I isn't shoot you. I'm sorry about what happend to you. Why are you here?"

"Katniss they killed my wife, and they killed my children, because I said that I don't want them in her games. You have to let them do what they want or your all dead. They tied me up and made me watch them kill my loved ones. They will do the same to you. I had to tell you so you didn't have to go through the same thing. I knew you had a daughter I just didn't know you had a son and that you married peeta. I though he didn't make it. I'm happy for you. Just don't let them kill your family"

"I won't" mum said in return.

My name is Rose Mellark. ( hunger games fan Fic, Katniss & Peeta's daughter )Where stories live. Discover now