Chapter 8

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Everyone gasps. No one was expecting fin to be chosen. We don't even get to say goodbye to mum or dad or gale. Once we are in the doors of the justice building the Capitol woman starts talking " look, I know you are brother and sister, I don't want any stunts pulled like what your mother did, understand" fin nods, but I accidentally reply with " oh because you don't want to be shown up again, or proven wrong" oops meant to say that in my head. "That's enough rose" that's all she replies with. I grab fins hand as she takes us towards a car that takes us to a train.

As we step out of the train, I can here screaming that can only be my mothers.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T SAY GOODBYE TO MY CHILDREN" I can here her shout, then gale and dad are telling her to calm down but she won't. That's when I hear a gun shot. I look back towards my mum. She is on the floor. Blood coming out of her head. She's dead. Dad is knelt down crying telling her to talk to him. But we all know she's dead. Gale is shouting a peacekeepers and falls down crying. Fin is trying to run over there, screaming his head off. Peacekeepers push us into the train the door closes. Now district 12 is just a distant memory.

My name is Rose Mellark. ( hunger games fan Fic, Katniss & Peeta's daughter )Where stories live. Discover now