vi. sharp eyes

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Estelle grumbled before turning to face her friend who was jogging from across the hall to approach her with hair soaking wet from the rain.

"Cedric! How was the match? Wait, let me guess...Did you lose again? I can tell by the sad puppy eyes," Estelle smiled to herself but when she noticed Cedric's demeanour that changed.

Cedric sighed before answering his friend's questions, "We won but Potter has only gone and landed himself in the Hospital Wing. Fainted during the match due to the Dementors and somehow got his broom in the Whomping Willow, I can't imagine the state it's in. Unfortunately, I got the snitch as he fell."

"Unfortunately? Cedric, you won the match you fool."

"I know, I just feel guilty that's all. I didn't even realise what happened until too late. I did ask for a rematch but I've been told we won fair and square."

"Cedric," Estelle paused before continuing, "Do you think I would've been attacked if I was at the match?"

Cedric was slightly taken aback by the boldness of the question, "Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it was like...a one-time thing? Or dementors just despise you like Potter."

Estelle never got around to visiting Lupin that day but with Defense Against the Dark Arts on her schedule after lunch, she saw that as a perfect opportunity. Over the weekend, she didn't give it any thought; only when she was seated in the classroom did she realise how stupid she sounded. Instead of going to Dumbledore or any other staff member, she would confront Lupin herself who was potentially a werewolf. But from what Estelle researched, he would have no control over when he transformed so she was perfectly safe.

During Potions, the lesson before, Draco was bandage-free and making inaccurate impressions of Dementors right in front of Harry Potter, resulting in a crocodile heart being thrown at Draco's face. Estelle thought it was the hardest time she's ever had to try to cover her laughs.

Estelle fiddled with her quill as she nervously eyed Lupin who was scanning over open books on his desk. Estelle was one of the few who showed up to classes early so people already in the class were solely relying on everyone else to show up for everything to start.

Eventually, she heard the mumbles of the last few students joining Defense.

"It's okay!" Estelle heard and looked back to see Hermione Granger peering around the classroom door. Her friends followed in after her and settled into their seats.

Presumably, they were checking for Snape and hoping for his absence which everyone was granted as Lupin was back at work. From what Estelle could see from her position at the back of the class, the Professor looked like he was severely ill but what Estelle knew, it was the full moon taking its effects.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?"

It was only then that Estelle forgot about her abandoned homework.

"We don't know anything about werewolves-"

"-two rolls of parchment!"

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Lupin asked, frowning slightly.

The talkative students continued.

"Yes, but he said we were really behind-"

"- he wouldn't listen-"

"-two rolls of parchment!"

Professor Lupin smiled at his student's responses, "Don't worry. I'll speak to Professor Snape. You don't have to do the essay."

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