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What in the hell jungkook did to have these things in his hell life!? Everyone including taehyung had nothing from him except his hate, his egoistic nature, his abusive words, actions.

His father only wanted him to become what he wanted jungkook to become, he will everything if everything was right and with right peoples. A teenager boy doesn't want his parents to separate, or starved to death to make them stay for him...

All he wanted a life with happy smiles of his parents.

She cheated on his father. Why? Didn't Jeon done everything to her? Him? Wasn't he enough for her? Why did she shed her skin like that? She didn't care about him? His father?

Everything happened in his life made him like this-- a heartless bitch and cold , selfish, emotionless basterd!

Jungkook's eyes began to wet, he hated this, whenever he thinks about his past his on tears...

"I miss the way my parents used to laugh together... before everything fell apart."

"I wish I could go back to when my family was whole... when we were happy."

"I miss my dad's smile... the way he used to play with me... the way he used to love me."

"I wish my mom had chosen us instead of... him."

"I miss the feeling of being loved and cherished... of being part of a real family."

Taehyung's heart aches he touched his chest and head of jungkook 's. Did he thoughts came out from his mouth? Did taehyung heard that?

"S-she broke everything tae--- I didn't want to see her. Not when my father died due to that heart attack; he was suffering from depression, he wanted to give me that life which ruined by her." Jungkook sobbed.

"I---- I'll not forgive her sin, she caused only sadness. And last because of her I lost my father too!" He cried, and cried loudly, his sobs where echoing the room, taehyung held Jungkook closer that no one will take him from his arms.

"Cry kookie....let it out, for me" jungkook hugged taehyung and he let his tears wet taehyung's shirt.

"Tae, you don't no anything baby, no one knows anything about me..." he whispered, a hiccup escaped from his mouth.

"M-mom, I loved her don't I? Appa too, he always says that she's his life and breath. And w-why did she!?" He kept asking loudly while crying and holding taehyung's waist.

He looked at taehyung suddenly. Taehyung's heart clenched badly.

"Y-you are so close with her no? She maybe or already said anything about that no? Tell me---

"Baby, look I--

"Did she hated me?-

"No no she didn't--

"Then tell me why!?" Jungkook's ugly sobs stabbed taehyung so badly.

"You know one thing tae, no one will born as a bad person, situations like this makes them---- force to them believe things. And peoples like the readers hates me, see they will accuse me for hurting you, the things I've done with you---

"No baby, look. Listen to me, I won't hate you--- i adore you kookie, no one can hate you--- listen to me " taehyung wipes the tears from jungkook and kiss him on the wet cheeks.

"Your mother did cheated, but she didn't stopped loving you--- not for a second. She always wanted to meet you and earn forgiveness from you" taehyung said, jungkook gritted his teeth and broke the hug.

"No, she lied to you---

"In these years I saw everything she have for you kook, she miss you so much, she loves you." Jungkook's jaw ticked more.

"I'm sick of her! She can't taunt my existence like this-- my father fucking had heart diseases because of her! She--- I despise her!" Taehyung heart clenched badly.

If the wound can't heal properly the let it be a scar, she left a scar on his heart.

Taehyung can't heal that, but he can give another world where Jungkook can have a family of his own.


Jimin put baby neoul on the couch and he gave him the pacifier. Taehyung brought two glass of orange juice, one for jimin and other for jungkook.

"I think you shouldn't have forced him to that tae" taehyung looked down and took a deep breath.

"I know I did wrong, but he should forgive her no? He hates her, his family ruined by her, but he loves her too. I just wanted to make them together again." Jimin took taehyung's one hand and squeezed softly.

"Why did you do that baby? Any specific reason?"

"Uncle Jeon, he wanted this--- he asked me to make them attached again. All he wanted this--- jungkook lost his everything because of this, he wanted jungkook to forgive her and accept everything " Jimin's expression softened again. His bestfriend lives for this Jeon family and who will live for him?

"Let's give him some time shall we? Don't force him, it must be hard for him" taehyung nodded his head and left to their room.

Author Kim
Try to understand everyone, around you and inside of you, the real you ..
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