The Terrifying War.

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Aeden and Jayden

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Aeden and Jayden

"Where's even the book?!" Jayden asked, his frustration growing with every pass second.

"Wait.." Aeden said, kneeling down to examine something usual on the ground. "Those aren't our footprints.. they're covered in lava."

"Wait, hold on. Are you saying someone stole the book?" Jayden's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Dude, the footprints are leading straight to the bookcase cover or whatever that thing is called," Aeden replied, his eyes meeting Jayden's with a knowing look.

"No way someone could have taken it out of the case.. unless they had contact with the King of Hell," Jayden muttered, rubbing his hands together anxiously.

"We need to tell them now!" Aeden exclaimed, urgency in his voice.

Back to Given and Jordan

"What do you mean?! Dude! Stop punching me, we can talk this out!" Given pleaded, dodging Jordan's relentless attacks.

"I will not let you go," Jordan growled, his voice eerily devoid of emotion.

"Is this even you?! Come on, just stop it!" Given shouted, desperation creeping into his voice.

"You people took everything away from me," the sinister voice declared.

"Who even are you?!" Given demanded, flying back to put some distance between them.

"I am.. the King of Hell."

Realisation dawned on Given, his jaw dropping as he looked into Jordan's eyes.

"You took everything from me, and I will make you pay for it," the King of Hell spat through Jordan.

"You took everything from me, and I will make you pay for it," the King of Hell spat through Jordan

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Jordan began to float, glowing with an ominous red light. He absorbed Mae's lightning energy, growing even more powerful. Everyone turned to watch in horror as Jordan glowed in multiple colors, a dark aura of rage and evil enveloping him.

"What the hell is happening to him.." Chloe muttered. Observing the dark armor and the carved dark magic on his body, she paled as she realized the truth.

"The King of Hell is using Jordan as his vessel," she whispered in disbelief. "But how could it happen? There's no way... unless..."

Then it hit her. "SHOOT!" Chloe shouted in her mind. She quickly flew over to where Jordan was floating and tried to manipulate him, even while still manipulating the dragon.

As the King of Hell regained his powers, he was disturbed by Chloe's interference. He used his powers to strike her away, sending her and her Phoenix crashing to the harsh ground.

"CHLOE!" Cristen shouted, panic setting in.
"She was trying to slow him down. We can't do anything if he absorbs our powers and becomes even more powerful," Shalviya said, her voice tinged with despair.

"Wait.. Mae! Stop using your powers!" Shalviya shouted.

Mae immediately stopped and flew over to Shalviya and Cristen.

"The King of Hell is using him as his vessel.
There's nothing we can do about it," Mae said, her voice heavy with resignation.

"Yeah... but there's only one way. One of us has to talk to Jordan, reach him and possibly.." Shalviya sighed.

"No! He's our best friend. We can't do that! I'm against this idea," Mae protested vehemently.

"Then how do we defeat the King of Hell and the Dragon? You tell me! There's no other way!" Shalviya shouted in frustration.

"Fine! Who does he trust the most?" Mae asked, her voice breaking.

"Look, Jayden and Aeden are coming. Jayden is his little brother of course he trusts Jayden the most," Cristen said.

Shalviya nodded and flew down to meet them.

"Jayden, we need you to talk to Jordan. The King of Hell is using him as a vessel. You're the only one who can reach him," Shalviya said urgently.

Jayden's eyes widened, but he nodded resolutely. "I'll do it."

Facing the King of Hell

Jayden approached Jordan cautiously.
"Jordan, it's me, Jayden. You have to fight this.
I know you're in there."

For a moment, Jordan's red eyes flickered, and the real Jordan seemed to surface. "Jayden..."

"Jordan, you have to let go of the Book of Revelations. You're stronger than this. I know you are," Jayden pleaded, tears streaming down his face.

The sinister inside his body kept moving as it didn't want Jordan to take control over his own body.

"I... opened the Book of Revelations. Now I must close it." Jordan said, his voice a mixture of his own and the King of Hell's.

With immense effort, Jordan began to use his powers, pushing all the buildings and debris around him. "I close the Book of Revelations." he declared, the ground shaking as the structures collapsed on him.

"No! Jordan!" Jayden screamed, but it was too late. The debris buried Jordan, and the ground fell silent. Jayden then kneeled down, crying all over the place, watching the buildings collapsing on his body.

The Dragon of Hell let out a final roar before it was completely sucked into the prison realm.
The glow of the obsidian triangle faded, and the portal sealed shut.

The team stood in stunned silence, the weight of their loss heavy on their shoulders. Jayden fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. They had won the battle but lost a dear friend.

"JORDAN!" Aeden screamed in pain, watching his own best friend, sacrificing himself.

"Jordan.." Grace said, her tears started falling down on her cheeks.

"No this can't be!" shouted Given.

The journey back to Destiny was somber. The joy of victory was overshadowed by the pain of losing Jordan.

When they arrived, the people of Destiny mourned with them. The Saviours of Elements had succeeded, but the cost was heavy.

In the quiet of the ening, the group gathered to remember Jordan.

Mae spoke softly, "He was a good friend, yall know that right?"

"He sacrificed himself for all of us. For Destiny, We owe it to him to keep fighting, to protect what he gave his life for." said Chloe as she looked down.

As they stood together, united in grief and resolve, they knew that their journey was far from over. The battle against darkness would continue, but they would face it with the memory of Jordan's bravery and sacrifice guiding them.

(Book 2 coming soon..)

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