lvi. the one where they have a miscommunication

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FOUR. lost in the labyrinth !
CHAPTER FIFTY-FIVE. the one where they have a miscommunication

Aether wiped his tears away, rushing to put his laurel on to avoid the monsters as he ran over to Regulus and Annabeth, taking off the laurel. He took one last look behind him and frowned, he hoped Percy would be okay — hope was a disquieting, dangerous; threatening thing to believe in — but perhaps for the hope of Percy surviving was something he liked.

“I can't believe you did that,” whispered Regulus who looked at him in shock.

“Me neither, me neither,” whispered Aether, running at a faster pace with Regulus and Annabeth behind him.

“This wasn't the moment I thought you two would kiss,” Annabeth said. “I thought of something more nice — you know — you get what I mean, right?”

“No, not really,” Aether said with a shrug. “But I suppose I’ll try.”

“I’ll admit, Percy is kind of bodacious. Aether, I don't know how you didn't kiss him the moment you two met,” Regulus said with a teasing tone.

“Gosh, Regulus, who even uses the word bodacious? Your vocabulary is strong for someone with dyslexia,” Aether said, shaking his head.

“Me!” He pointed at himself. “I use the word bodacious. You should hear Drew’s, crazy person I tell you.”

Aether didn't know how long they’ve been running but they probably hadn't made it that far. His heart was screaming for him to go back — go back to Percy — help him, and gosh, he wanted to kiss him again if he made it out alive. His thoughts were ruined when everything began shaking, he rushed himself to run faster, ushering the two too.

A sudden rush of an explosion thundered behind them, a powerful wave of power surged through the tunnel, sweeping them into it and sending the three into the air as they all screamed. It was so sudden, Aether landed on the floor, his head was shaking. Where were Annabeth and Regulus? Were they safe? He hoped they were. He tried calming his breathing, trying to compose himself, closing his eyes and reaching for something, anything, to remind himself he was still here, alive.

A hand suddenly grabbed his hand and he jumped, stifling a scream that almost came out. “Hey, it's just me, Regulus. You're okay, breathe, Aether. Breathe.”

He tried relaxing himself, of course it wasn't easy, nothing was ever easy for him — or generally demigods in general. Seems like the fates have something against demigods. Whatever, he was used to it, he wanted to get out of here. “I'm fine. Everything's fine. We’re all fine.”

He didn't understand what he was saying but he didn't understand himself at times. Hopefully Regulus knew what he was talking about. He took a single exhale and blinked. Looking around, he said, “where's Annabeth?”

Regulus stood up, dusting off his pants as he looked around too. His arms were crossed in a rather fashionable way — if that's how you describe it — Aether wasn't the best at describing. He blankly stared in front of him before lazily standing up, he spun around three times on his heel, sometimes it made him dizzy but he oddly liked the feeling. It reminded him of his siblings somehow. Regulus looked at him peculiarly, before saying, “Nice spinning, any more tricks up your sleeves to help us find Annabeth?”

Aether shushed him, apparent with listening, he didn't blink once. He’d been exploited by that. “Do you hear that?”

Regulus raised a brow, trying to listen more attentively. “Would you believe me if I said yes?”

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