Chapter 18

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Summary: Draco, Stella and Carina are called into the headmaster's office. Carina studies with Hermione.

As we are getting closer to the return of classes, the resentment I had harboured towards Mum for changing her mind and asking Draco, Stella and me to stay at Hogwarts during the Christmas and New Year holidays is gone. Since Christmas, the three of us have received letters from Mum every day. With each letter received (and ignored), the pity and guilt for not replying grows.

On the last day of the holidays, while we're having breakfast in the Great Hall at the Hufflepuff table (Hermione, Stella and I), Professor McGonagall approaches us. 

 "Miss Malfoy, Miss Lestrange." the teacher calls us.

The three of us turn to her, confused as to why she was calling us.

"Could you come with me, please?" says McGonagall. 

Stella and I look at each other nervously before getting up and following the teacher. At that moment I think about whatever I have done wrong. What if we've done something very wrong, but we've erased our memories with a spell? My heart races at the thought of the possibilities. We follow McGonagall, who walks towards the Slytherin table. 

"Mr Malfoy." she calls out to Draco, who turns round at the same moment, looking as nervous as Stella and I are. "Come with me, please."

I see my brother gulp, just as anxious as Stella and me. Then the teacher heads out of the Great Hall and we follow. 

"Have you done something?" Draco whispers to me and Stella. 

"Not that I know of..." whispers Stella.

"Why do you think we did anything?" I whisper. "What if it was you?"

 No one says anything else the whole way. We arrive at the entrance that I had already learnt about last year when McGonagall took me to the headmaster's office where my father had been. This can only be a bad sign... She says the password and the gargoyle statue guarding the entrance to the room moves to make room for a staircase. McGonagall signals for us to go up.

"Where are we going?" Stella asks nervously.

"This is the headmaster's office." I reply.

This certainly doesn't ease Draco and Stella's nervousness.

"That's why I thought one of you had done something. How do you know it's the headmaster's office?" says Draco.

"Because I came here last year when our father came to Hogwarts to swear at me for getting into Gryffindor." I say, which seems to silence Draco.

As soon as we climb the stairs and step into the headmaster's office, we hear the sound of a chair moving, someone getting up and hurried footsteps coming towards us. Mum appears in front of us, and I can see that she's trying her best to mask her emotions since she's not at home. For someone who grew up with her, her slightly watery eyes are noticeable. 

"Mum?" Draco and I say at the same time.

"Aunt Cissa?" says Stella.

Mum doesn't say anything, she just walks up to us and hugs the three of us at the same time. I can feel her body trembling as she hugs us, which makes me feel even guiltier for having ignored her. As soon as she lets go of us, she grabs Draco's face and kisses him on the forehead, then Stella and finally me. As soon as she pulls away, I realise she's letting a tear escape. 

"Forgive me for coming here..." she says, her voice trembling slightly. "When I didn't hear back from any of you, I think I despaired..."

Draco, Stella and I exchange glances, glances of guilt for having let our mother suffer without any response from us.

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