18 - Darkness vs Light

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I froze in my tracks, wincing mentally.

I took a shaky breath, shoving my hands into my pockets as I turned to face him.

“Umm…” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I had to admit he looked good when bashful…unlike me. “ I heard you screaming last night."

I clenched my jaw, swallowing hard. Of course, I must have woken the entire household with that.


" Don't,” I couldn't look him in the eye. I bit down on my lower lip. "I really don't want to talk about it. Please.”

Xander looked like he had no idea what else to say.

“I’m sorry," he finally said after uncomfortable seconds of silence.

I looked up at him, hating myself.

"Xander I… You deserve a better sister. I know. And I’m sorry you're stuck with me…”

" Rachel, that's not…"

“No! It's true." I said with more force than I had intended. My brother looked taken aback by my outburst. My eyes clouded over. “I wish I had died instead of Andrew."

And I turned, disappearing into my room.

It was as if the atmosphere changed as soon as he stepped into the hallway. I stiffened in front of my locker where I stood, my Physics textbook just beneath my palm.


It was Andrew's voice, demanding obedience.

I shut my locker in a hurry. I only caught a glimpse from beneath my hoodie, but I was right, it was him. How I had felt his presence, I had no idea.

I didn't wait to see Me Frederick's reaction before I dashed in the other direction, heart thudding in my chest.

Andrew said nothing as I ran into the restroom, leaning against the wall and holding my hand to my chest.

I shut my eyes and fisted my hoodie in my hand, biting my lips.

I couldn't live like this. I had Physics class today. How was I supposed to avoid the Physics teacher? Skip class?

Still, Andrew said nothing within me. Dread crept into me, and I slid to the ground, hugging my books to myself.

That was what he wanted me to do. I just knew it. I was going to skip Physics class.

I couldn't cry. I would not cry. I couldn't…

Tears poured across my face.

School was all I had. Was I about to lose that too? What if my grades dropped? Then all that made me me would vanish.

Please no…

I skipped Physics class that day, cooping myself up in a corner of the library, my usual spot. No one usually came here.

I tried to make up for the missed class, but I couldn't help but think about how unremarkable I was. I was sure my classmates would be glad the weirdo was away. No one would care. Would Mr Frederick ask after me?

Nothing seemed to penetrate my brain no matter how hard I stared at the textbook.

Panic set in. I couldn't read! Rachel Brown couldn't read!

What was happening… ?!

I strolled across the hallway, wincing as some jerk bumped into me from behind. I took a deep breath to steady my emotions. I was a minefield now, basically teetering at the cliff's edge. I was struggling not to crumble, and these people were making it even worse.

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