24: I've got you

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*Another song that I only discovered in the last two or three weeks that just fits this Minsung too good :)
* Our Way Out- Nico Collins

How do criminals do this? Jisung thought with a scowl, tugging at the mask that rested over the lower half of his face. Well, it wasn't really a mask, it was more like a random shirt he'd cut up to use as a makeshift covering. So maybe that was why it was so uncomfortable.

He quickly ducked behind a shadowy corner, holding his breath and only releasing it when he saw that it was only two mages walking by rather than any members of the Unseen. He remained hidden until they were gone, however, because at the moment, he was supposed to be at Chan's house hiding out and resting.

After he was taken away from Minho, Jisung felt like he was on a battlefield, just not in a literal sense like most of his guild right now. First of all, he was battling himself, both physically and mentally. His magic was still explosive and erratic for some time after Changbin came to get him, and when that finally calmed down, the fire mage got into his head.

Minho was stuck in his head, consuming most of Jisung's thoughts and making him look back on everything that had happened within the past several months. And with some reflection, it became clear that everything Minho did, no matter how strange, had a purpose. Where his actions had made no sense before, they did now that Jisung knew of his connection with the Unseen.

But despite Jisung's growing understanding, the same could not be said for the other members of Goldenspire. No one trusted Minho anymore. Both Chan and Changbin tried convincing Jisung of Minho's true intent to do harm, but the fire mage wouldn't accept it.

After taking so long learning who Minho was and how to trust him, Jisung refused to let go of that trust, strangely enough. His logical side fought with that, but deep down, his heart knew trusting Minho was his only option, and he was going to stand by that. After all, Minho had stood by his side when it mattered, and the fire mage needed to return the favor.

That, along with feeling useless being kept cooped up by his guild master for two days, led Jisung to this; sneaking his way through Agrook. He wasn't really sure what he was doing, but he knew that he wanted to fight, and most of all, find Minho.

There was so much to Minho's story that Jisung needed to learn, so much to know about his past, about his heart, about... everything. He needed more time with Minho, and the only way to get that was to find him and help him out of whatever mess he was digging himself into.

The air trembled with a distant boom, but Jisung hardly reacted to it as he hopped his way across the rooftops of a few small buildings. He'd been following the booms since he snuck out of Chan's house, knowing that the sounds originated from what was basically the front lines.

For the most part, everything about the city appeared the same, but from his short travels across rooftops, Jisung had seen a few areas of destruction, namely, his beloved guild. Just as Lee had said, half of it was reduced to rubble while the other half was likely barely standing, and it was a painful, obvious reminder that they were at war.

By the time Jisung reached the large square where Enforcement and other mages were camped out, dawn was nearly approaching, but despite the ungodly hour, the campsite he stumbled upon was chaotic.

The first person Jisung spotted and recognized was Seungmin, who was rushing between a few small tents and looking drained as he healed those in need of it. Enforcers rushed and bustled around the square, some asking questions, others shouting orders. There weren't very many mages in sight, which had to mean that most were currently facing the Unseen.

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