Demigods meet Heroes!

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for my percy jackson people

I know that Leo comes back in Trials of Apollo but I really want him to be in this so we'll just say he died in the explosion but Festus flew him down and revived him with the cure.

Being a demigod isn't easy, a bunch of trauma, PTSD, scars, wars, fighting Titans and gods. Ya know, the usual but finally we could get a break! Hopefully.....

"Guys, stop flirting you make me feel so single!" Leo jokes aimed at the oblivious couple from Camp Jupiter. We were all stood, the seven from the prophecy and Nico and Will (who are yet again arguing) in a

"DON'T CALL ME DEATH BOY!" He shouts and lunges onto Will which ends with them cuddling together? Finally we could relax and maybe focus on things besides fighting and almost dying.

"We can actually breathe now without constantly having to look around our shoulder."Piper sighs and leans against Jason who looks like he's still in shock.

Aaand of course we jinxed it. It seems like the Gods love to make our lives hell, well actually I've been to hell, maybe tartarus is more appropriate. That's besides the point,as soon as Piper had said that a mint green portal swirls under us with Will being smart, grabs the ambrosia and nectar until we land in the middle of a...classroom?

"OH MY GODS, how could they teleport us into a room full of mortals and monsters! After all this messed up stuff they put us through!" Annabeth exclaims

"Annabeth, try to talk to them before we attack." I say taking Riptide out of my pocket, pen form.

"Wow seaweed brain, for once you said something smart! But now's not the time." She turns to the hobo "Hello, I am Annabeth and these are my friends." At that she gestures to all of us the hobo man's hair raises, eyes glowing red.

"Guys, leave this to me. I'm the best negotiator and he's obviously a minor god." Piper says and turns to the god saying " Good afternoon, we did not mean to intrude upon your meeting, If you would be so kind as to tell us where we are?"


Teaching sucks. In general, it sucks. Teaching a bunch of idiotic, injury-prone (looking at you mr.I break my bones every time I use my quirk)teens is worse but nothing compares to having 9 bloody, bruised and battered teenagers crash onto your floor in the middle of it.

They start to speak among themselves having surveyed the room seemingly unaware of the severity of their injuries. How irrational... One of them, the blonde one, turns to me and starts to speak and gestures towards her companions. I don't understand so I activate erasure until another girl, brown hair caked in blood and mud with brown skin, walks up to me and kneels down others followed suit and speaks again. This time i discern it's english and the most fluent in our class is Yaoyorozu.

"Yaoyorozu, translate please" as I walk up to them, they visibly flinch.

"Hello, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu and this is U.A High school. Who are you and how did you get in?" She asks and walks towards them but as soon as she's comes into contact with the black haired one, they all take out swords(besides the black-haired, stocky built one who takes out a bow) and he jumps back into a fighting stance. I have to admit they were incredibly's as if they've been trained.

"Stay back." The tiger-TIGER! I SWEAR THERE WAS A BOY-that must be his quirk! That doesn't make sense I'm still erasing there quirks?

They huddle into a circle, weapons bristling and the blond boy walks out with his bow out and turns to Yaoyorozu and starts to speak to her. Eventually, he stops aiming the bow at her but still has it primed. Finally, the rest of class 1-A , jump into action and attempt to restrain them as I've taught them for non-threatening intruders but clearly that won't work.....


The rest of the teenagers(?) jump into action but we've fought whole wars why would we be scared of a couple of wierd kids? So I head in first slamming the butt of my sword into the head of one and kick off two others and see Annabeth right next to me guarding my back had taken down 3 more. A roar directs my attention to Frank, still as a tiger, taking down the dupli-armed person, rockhead and thick lips easily as Hazel tackles two more. Nico summons skeletons to deal with 8 others while Piper charmspeaks the remaining 3 to sleep.

We stand in front of the god and kneel down yet again this time Annabeth speaks but in a different language?


These children just took down my whole class even with severe injuries! Just how powerful were they? While I was contemplating that, they kneeled down again before me before the blonde girl spoke up yet again but in japanese.

"Oh god. Please forgive us for taking down your minions but now we ask if you could let us leave" She says. What's with the god bit and the minions?

'Um well this is my class and I'm a teacher here-"I get cut off by the girl, Annabeth "Wait. but you saw the skeletons right? Then are you also a demigod? Wow! I didn't think most of them survive till adulthood...normally monsters or  gods kill us for just existing....." "What do you mean demigod?" "Ah so that's how you survived so long. You don't know your parentage but still1 You're so lucky not having to fight monsters, wars, gods and titans and-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Stop with these nonsensical words. I'm taking you to the infirmary then we're interrogating you because you just broke into a highly protected facility and ddefeated several pro-heros in training that have faced villains twice and nearly died twice-"

"Hey that means we're the same! I've nearly died 10 times and actually died but that's just me Percy's nearly died like 30 times or something...oh oh! He's fought in two wars and won both of them meanwhile I've only done one!" The mexican(?) gremlin says.

what. the. fuck

These kids have been through wars? The deathly-pale one looks like he's 14 or something?!

Just why? Bnha crackficWhere stories live. Discover now