Little snippets of Deku-centered stories

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"Why... Why me! I dealt with bullying for 15 years and I come to UA hoping it would be different! But what do I get? An abusive partner and scumbag classmates with a biased teacher as well as a terrible mentor who got every single bone in my body broken..the pain is still there..... But you know what? I'm done" He screams at them tears spilling from his eyes as he walks out, bursts into Nezu's office shouts I QUIT and leaves to go home. Badass Deku or America Deku"Support course seems good" He says to himself while filling out the form "Oh I know! For the test I can show the improved goggles for eraserhead! " Support course Mido"Miss me kaachan? " he giggles crazily a fractured look in his eyes. Insane villain Mido (Can be paired with America for backstory)"Hiya Tomu-kun! Can we play now? " Says Izuku as he reached to grab a controller but Kurogiri stops him with a hand " Come on little Izuku, Tomura needs some alone time" 'I just don't want this child to get decayed' He thought while taking Izuku over to Mr. Compress. Villain deku but child"Hey guys! This is Analysis and recently there's been an amazing hero I've seen a ho honestly needs more recognition in fact he even saved me! The one and only Eraser head! "Shoto.T: Who? LordExplosionMurder: Probably another shitty extra for me to surpass. If Mido stayed quirkless but he used his analysis mind anywaysThat's it! Oh if anybody wants to continue any of these stories just comment on this!

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