A wolf's tail

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They burned my home....

Injured my family....

And now there's pink mist engulfing their bodies- pink mist?

I feel myself slipping from consciousness and the last thing I see is burns on what used to be paws but now trailing up and down my limbs and torso. The villains picking up my families bodies and then approaching me....


I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore and finally collapsed in front of a stream bordering a cave. Flowers bloomed through the cracks in the stone. They took me in. Gave me shelter. Taught me. Did what my family and the heroes could never.

My eyes start to open and I see....white? I try to move but something tugs in my arm. I rip it out and attempt to get used to my surroundings until

A movement. Not again. I refuse to be captured again.

I shift and try to run out of the room only to run straight into a scarf and get tangled in it.

"ERASER! PUT THE KID- wolf?" Another voice but they're distracted. I can run!

I wiggle out and run down the halls only to run into more humans

Not again, not again. I can't be a plaything again.

I growl and get ready to attack but one just walks up to me.

He really needs better skincare. His skin is so cracked.

He reaches out to me and tries to grab me but that trick won't work. I bite his arm but find it's hard as rock.

OW! Run run run I can't fight him.

It's only then does the pain of my burns register.

I need a safe space for a bit. Where, where...There! The big box!

I run in but before I can stop it the blood leaks onto the floor.

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