Chapter 29 I didn't cry

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"- June 6, 2015, the weather was overcast.

It turns out that there is a saying in this world, 'Heaven does not bring what one wishes'.

I did not expect that it would happen to me.

This matter involved Yu Yue, I'm sorry for him."

After the late-night snack incident was over, Xu Yuanzhe quickly finished filming the scene.

He was originally the third male lead and didn't have many roles.

After the filming, Xu Yuanzhe began to think about signing with a company, even if it was a small company. Because you have a company, you have someone to rely on, and your future development will probably be much better.

He submitted many resumes and interviewed with many entertainment companies. Finally, a very small company invited him for an interview.

After the interview, the other party expressed that he liked him very much and promised to help Xu Yuanzhe develop in the entertainment industry. He would help him find variety shows, TV series, and movies if there were opportunities.

Xu Yuanzhe believed the other party.

He signed the contract, but he didn't expect that this was just the beginning of his nightmare.

Maybe the more people want something, the less they will get it. Just like Xu Yuanzhe, he really wants to sign with a company and make money by filming, but if he doesn't want Yu Yue's help, the more he will fall into the mud.

After Xu Yuanzhe signed with this company, he didn't receive any suitable scripts. The company also changed its attitude before signing the contract and ignored him. Finally, he was given a film, but it was a film that was so bad that I don't know how bad it was. play.

Finally, in the second month after signing the contract, the company suddenly notified Xu Yuanzhe to come over and read the script, saying that there was a role suitable for him.

Xu Yuanzhe went and auditioned in the company. The middle-aged director looked at Xu Yuanzhe with a smile behind the camera and said that he liked Xu Yuanzhe very much and that Xu Yuanzhe was very suitable.

The company did not give Xu Yuanzhe a complete script, but only a short paragraph during the audition.

Xu Yuanzhe thought he was receiving a youth campus film.

But after signing the filming contract, Xu Yuanzhe saw the complete script and realized that what he was going to shoot was similar to a Category III film. There was no normal plot, it was just stripping off, and it was filled with all kinds of pornography.

It wasn't until this moment that Xu Yuanzhe realized that he had been deceived.

He went to the company, but the people in the company smiled, "You signed the contract yourself, you said it yourself, and you took pictures of everything. Why, you regretted it when the matter came to pass? Do you want to see what you signed? The liquidated damages in the contract? Can you afford to pay three times the liquidated damages?" Weiwei paused, stood up, and said with a smile, "If you can't afford it, you'll have to pay for it."

Xu Yuanzhe said nothing.

He glanced at the script in his hand, finally threw it on the table, and said one word with his thin lips: "Get out."

At that time, Xu Yuanzhe didn't know that the word "get out" would be given to him, and what kind of words would he give to him? How much trouble it will bring.

On the fourth day after Xu Yuanzhe threw the script on the company's desk, Yu Yue was in class at school. His roommate and friend Tang Ziqi suddenly came over with his mobile phone, "Yu Yue...Yu Yue! Why are you on the hot search list?" ?"

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