The Assistant Pt. 4 (r)

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There he was. In the dance room sitting on the floor against the mirrors. He sips from his water bottle , whooshing it in his mouth. It's been nearly a week since we had sex. We didn't speak of it nor attempt to bring it up. He gets up and starts to make a beat with his mouth and pops his chest a few times and starts to glide. I walk to the floor and he turns around startled. He didn't know I was here. I'm in my business attire and I was covered up. I had papers in my hand and I walked up to him. "Mr. Jackson, we need a venue for this video. We have 3 locations, but we need the okay from you." He leaned over to look at the paper. He smelled so great. His breath minty. My knees buckled at his presence. I'm still not used to being so close to the King of Pop. He looks away and walks away. He says nothing. He stops and starts to hum Human Nature and starts to snap his fingers. He says "Tell them.." I wait for his reply. "Tell them I said the third one is fine." He walks off and turns on the stereo. I walk to the door and I turn around to glimpse his body rolling and thrusts in the mirrors, making it look like there's a million Michael's body rolling and thrusting. I exit the room and leave. 

The next day we are on set. Comfy business attire. His video girl walks past me and I feel myself get red. She reaches for Michael's coffee cup. "No honey, that's not your cup." I said kind of rudely. "Um, ya I know. I was fixing Michael a cup!" she replies snobby. "How about you go and get ready and leave the coffee to me? Okay? Great." I grab the cup from her and fixes Michael some coffee. I walk to his trailer and it looks chaotic. Outfits everywhere, loafers, belts, shirts. I open the door and he's sitting in his chair looking in the mirror. The mirror has words written everywhere. Like song lyrics. "Mr. Jackson I have your coffee." He turns to me, and takes the cup. He didn't look at me. I reach to touch his shoulders but the crew comes in and prepares him for the video. I look away and step out the trailer. Am I really starting to have feelings for this guy? I rush over to set only to see that tramp on set. I stand next to the camera man.

Michael comes out and he's ready. "3, 2, 1" says the camera man. The music starts and they take off. I look away for a second and I turn back to see Michael and the girl dancing closely together. He starts to body roll and her and I get furious! "Cue the fan!" the director orders the fan man. I push the fan man out the way and put the fan on high power. It knocks a prop over and it smacks the girl in the face. I run off set in tears. I lock myself into the bathroom and just start crying. "Ariana, open the door!" Michael bangs on the door until I open it. "This bathroom is occupied" I try to close the door but he slides in and locks it. "Ariana what the hell is wrong with you?" he asks me with concern in his voice. "Why do you care? I'm just your little assistant who follows you like a lost dog. The sad part is that I actually have feelings for you Michael! Oh wait, Mr.Jackson Sir!" I say that as loud as I wanted to, not caring who heard outside. "Yeah? Well who said I didn't like you huh?" I look away and he grabs my face and turns it back into his direction. "If you liked me you wouldn't act like that. We had sex a week ago Michael and you're acting like it was nothing! You can't even look me in the eyes or talk to me." He tries to leave the bathroom. I drag him back. " Oh no, you're going to fucking listen Michael! I'm sick of these games. You know how I feel!" I'm looking straight into his eyes. "Yeah? So what do you want?" I take a moment then I step closer. "I want you to screw me" I say with my begging eyes. He bites his lip and I put my arms around his neck. 

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