The Assistant Pt. 6

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Things happened very quickly. The video was complete. Michael was applauded for his fantastic work, while I was being bashed by everyone in the tabloid in different states and countries. I was fired from my job, but not by Michael. At least I assume. My life went from good to bad. I haven't spoken to Michael or anybody at his business in a month or so. Michael and I have definitely drifted apart. I lived in my complex alone, searching for a home to move away. There's not point being here. I was here for Michael and now that I lost him, why am I here? My phone rang and I just let it ring. I didn't care. It rang 5 more times and each time I let it ring and I got annoyed. I picked up the phone "What do you need, who is this?" I was angry. Angry that now somebody wanted to call me when it's been a month! "Ariana, it's me Michael, I just want to see how you're doing." It hit me, I started to tear up and sniffle and I didn't say one word. I stood there crying as silent as I could. "You don't want to talk to me, why? And..why are you crying?" Damn it, how did he know I was crying? "How did you know I was crying? And why did you call?" I plopped on my couch being steady so my phone cord doesn't twist up. I wipe my tears and continued to sniffle. "Ariana, I am sorry you are hurt. It was very hard to reach you! You changed your number." Oh..ohh.. I forgot I did change my number. That's why nobody has called me in a month. Boy, I gotta stop drinking. "I know Michael, I didn't want you to call me. I didn't want anyone to call me." I heard him sigh. "Ariana, can we at least talk about a few things?"  "No Michael, there isn't anything to talk about. It's a really hard time for me and-" He cut me off. "And that's why I want to help you. Please, just be ready by 8pm. I want to take you out and I want to talk to you. It's important." I smiled. Like, I'm gushing. I think he knows that I am smiling becuase I hear him chuckle. "Is this a date..Michael?" I twirl my phone cord like a little teenage girl and bite my lip. "Yes, it's a date. I would like to see you, honestly." "Oh Michael, I want to see you too. I can't wait. I'll be ready by 8, I promise." "Alright, I'll see you then." We hang up. I start jumping on the bed from excitement. What if this is a new chapter for us? I buried our past relations, deep. I don't remember not a thing anymore and I want to keep it that way. I'm sure Michael did the same. This will be refreshing for us. I'm dying. I decide to call everyone. Eric, Carly, just to check on how things are going. I feel like knitting, and I don't even know how! I feel like watering my plants, even though I have none! This man makes me oh so happy. It is 1pm and I decide to treat myself for the day.

I grab my bag and sunglasses and head out. I walk into a dress shop. It's extremely fancy and the customers look fancy. "I think you are in the wrong store my dear." I look at her with the most attitude I can express. "No, I am in a dress store, looking for a dress. I think I am where I am supposed to be." The woman swallows and fixes her suit. "Is this in your budget darling?" I take offense to her comment. "Why yes it is in my budget, now excuse me while I pick something out." I walk off and browse some sections. He said a date. Most definetely not the movies. I know it's no where there a park or a stroll. We might eat somewhere fancy. So I look for a black dress. I find on. It's a long dress. It stop right at my ankles and grab it. I check the price tag. 2,500 smackaroos!? I want to shove this dress right back, but I didn't want the lady to think I was a cheapskate. I take the dress to ring it up. "Darling, do you have two-thousand five hundred dollars?" I take out my credit card. "Why yes, yes I do." I struggling to get my card out and the lady clears her throat. "Geez, alright I'm coming lady." I pull out my credit card. She swipes it and hand me my reciept. The outs the dress in a bag. A big bag. "Thank you for shopping here, darling." I put in a piece of gum and chew sloppily. "Yeah yeah." And I exit the store. What the hell was I thinking? 2,500 for a dress? I did not leave the hood for this! 

I arrive back in my house and it's already 6pm. I decide to call Michael. I dial his number and a woman answers the phone. "Hello?" she says. I didn't answer. I heard Michael in the back giggling. I heard him say "Well who is it, sarah." Who the hell is Sarah? I hang up the phone, slam it right down on the jack. I feel myself getting angry. Who the hell is Sarah? The phone rings and I answer. "Who the hell is this?" I answered. 'It's me, Michael." "Don't you mean Sarah? Michael, who is that." Michael sighed. "Sarah is a friend of mine, you don't have to worry Ariana. I swear." I don't think Michael is the lying type, I know he's not. I believe. "Well, alright. I bought a dress for tonight. Where are we going?" I start smiling. 'It's a surprise and I don't want to announce anything over the phone, really. So, I'll see you in 2 hours." He hangs up. Announce anything? Oh my gosh, what does that mean? I start to get butterlfies in my stomach. I can't breathe. I definitely need to calm down. Time is catching up on me. I grab my towel and walk to the bathroom. I fill up my tub with water and let the warm fill up. I add a bottle of soap. I undress myself and step into the tub. I lay back and relax a little. I'm thinking about Michael and tonight and I am nervous. I take my loofa and I cleanse my body. I step out the tub and grab my towel and I dry off. I decide to curl my hair to the side. Michael always liked that. He loves my red lip stick too. I put on my dress and I wait patiently. It's 7:57 and my doorbell rang. I walked to the door and hesitated, but I opened it and there stood Michael. This slender, sexy man. His curls were loose and it was kind of straight. Jesus. He wore a black suit and I was glad I wore black. "You look beautiful." I blush. 'Wow, thank you Michael. You look amazing. I don't know what to say." He smiles. He has a box in his hand. What can this be? "I have something for you. Turn around. I did as I was told. He moves me hair back and he puts this purl necklace around my neck. These purls sure ain't small! They must have cost a fortune. I gasp. I turn around. "Michael these are beautiful. They must have cost a fortune." He takes my hand into his hand and holds it. We walk out and there is his car. He opens the door for me. "Thank you." He gets in and he tells me I am beautiful once again. Of course, there is his security in the car behind us, but it's for safety reasons. Not everyday you see Michael Jackson driving around town. Actually, you don't see that. And that made me special. Before he pulled off, I gave him a kiss on his cheek and he turned around and smiled.

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