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Khushi's pov

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Khushi's pov

" Khushi we need to go India" alex Said and hugged me tightly " alex what happened" i said while breaking the hug.

" Nothing, get ready okay " he said and leave from the room.

What has gotten in him. Why he is behaving like this, he never called out my name like this then what happened suddenly.

He look serious too, mummy he make me scared.

It's okay Khushi everything will be fine. He is with you

I got ready and have my breakfast with him. All the time I try to talk to him but he just reply everything which I asked

" Alex tell me nahhh you are making me scared" I said and he just nod at me.

" Everything is fine " he said and pulled me in a hug " no, everything is not, you are hiding something " i said and he just look at me.

" You will get to know when we reached India " he said and left.

Not again alex yrr


"You know I'm always with you and everyone also " he said " alex just tell me please "

I said again but like everytime he just hugged me and told me that he is with me.

We have already reached India and now we are in car. He is taking me to my house and I don't know why we suddenly here.

The car stoped and he look at me And put his both hand on my cheeks " Khushi it's okay baby I'm with you " again, not this time.

Author's pov

Khushi just left the car and got inside the house " I'm back guys " Khushi yelled but found no response
" Dii where is everyone '' she asked one of the helper but got no response. She was just looking at her"di say something" Khushi asked again and this time she hugged her tightly and cry so hard.

" Di...di what happened" she asked while caressing her back.

Khushi breaks the hug and holds her shoulder for support " tell me what happened, why are you crying, did someone said something to you "

" Khushii " aradhya yell and hugged her tightly " mumma what happ..." Khushi look at behind of her mother, find everyone num.

" Fuck everyone, I'm asking single question, what happened" she yell but got no reply.

She was about to go outside, when a body come inside wrapped in white clothes.

" What is this " she said while walking backwards. " What is this bhai " she asked to ansh who was verge of breaking down

" Ansh said something" she said and shook his whole body but he just hugged her and broke down himself.

" Dadu nahii rahe Khushi, chale Gaye hame chord kee " he said and everything stop for her. She felt like her world shatter into a million pieces. Her dadu had been her pillar of strength, her guiding light through life's toughest path.

In that moment, she realized that a piece of her soul had departed with him, leaving her feeling lost and utterly broken.

She wasn't saying anything just keep looking at her dakshit's death body. " Khushi, he left us alone " aradhya said while crying.

" Dadu " she whispered but no one heard it except alex.


After the rituals, everybody is in their room.Alex didn't leave Khushi alone for one second, he was with her all the time. He know how much she is hurt.

While rituals, she maintained a stoic facade, refusing to let her tears betray her inner turmoil. Her eyes, usually bright with laughter, now held a silent sadness that was only the observet by alex.

Alex came inside the room and find her looking outside the window. He didn't say anything just keep waking towards her and engulf her in tight hug

And she doesn't take even one second to break down. Everything which she was holding before, she let out.

" I lost my everything alex" she said while crying mess. He doesn't say anything but just pat her back lightly.

" I share everything with him, he was the one who taught me how to walk, he was with me in my first step " she said and sobbed at the end

" Drink this " he said and gave her glass of water but she refused it and said " I want my dadu back alex, I want my dadu"

" Sorry kushaa " he said and injected her and she passed out .

He made her lay down and cover her properly with blanket.

With the last glance at her, he left the room and met ansh " what are you doing here " ansh asked

" Just checking on her, are you alright" alex asked and ansh nod at him.

Alex was about to go when ansh said "thank you alex " and he just nod at him and leave from there.

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